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All about breadcrumbs

Fine Cooking Issue 91
Photos: Scott Phillips
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面包屑是一种具有惊人用途的成分。它们可以变稠,加大和绑定,或者可以用作松脆的涂层或浇头(如Fried Meatloaf). Breadcrumb varieties aren’t necessarily interchangeable, though. Here’s the lowdown on the major categories and typical uses for each.

Fresh breadcrumbs

新鲜的面包屑是一个极好的粘合剂,这就是为什么它们经常出现在肉饼和馅料中的原因。它们也是我们第二个选择面包屑和油炸的选择。制作自己的新鲜面包屑很容易,您可以制作一个大批次,以便它们总是在手上。法式或意大利面包最好,但几乎任何类型的面包都可以使用。一或两天的面包效果最好,因为真正的新鲜面包通常太湿了,无法分解成面包屑。如果您愿意的话,请切断外壳 - 我们通常会为其风味留下来。将面包切成大块,然后在食物加工机中脉冲,直到面包屑达到所需的稠度。

Dry breadcrumbs

Dry breadcrumbs are typically used as a topping to add a crunchy textural dimension to gratins, casseroles, and other similar dishes. You can find commercially made dry breadcrumbs in most supermarkets, but we recommend making your own so you have more control over the flavor and texture of the crumbs. To make them, cut the bread (with or without the crust) into small cubes and spread the cubes in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet. Bake in a 350ºF oven, turning the cubes a few times, until dry. Cool and then pulse the cubes in a food processor until they reach the desired consistency.


In Japanese, the word “panko” simply means breadcrumbs. In the U.S., though, panko refers to a particular type of Japanese breadcrumb. Panko breadcrumbs are dry. They have a shard-like shape and a uniformly light color (most panko is made from crust-free bread). Their unique texture is particularly well suited for breading and frying. Panko used to be hard to find anywhere other than an Asian market, but recently we’ve noticed it cropping up in large supermarkets—look for it in the Asian section, the dry breadcrumb section, or near the fish counter.

Storing Breadcrumbs

Seal breadcrumbs in a zip-top plastic bag and freeze for up to six months. There’s no need to thaw frozen breadcrumbs before using.


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