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Earl Grey Crème Brulee




  • 1-3/4杯重型奶油
  • 5个高质量的伯爵灰茶袋
  • 4个大蛋黄(理想情况下很酷或冷)
  • 1/4 cup plus 2 to 4 tsp. granulated sugar
  • Pinch kosher salt


  • 将架子放在烤箱的中心,然后将烤箱加热至300°F。用水填充柚木,煮沸。放置四个5或6盎司。在烤盘中,小模子(直径约3英寸,深1-3/4英寸),至少与Ramekins一样深。


  • 在一个小锅中,将奶油放到中火上煮熟。将锅从火上取出,加入茶袋(您可能必须用勺子饲养袋子才能淹没它们),盖上盖子,然后静置约10分钟。
  • Meanwhile, in a medium mixing bowl lightly whisk the egg yolks, 1/4 cup of the sugar, and a pinch of salt just to combine. Set aside.
  • 使用即时阅读或糖果温度计,检查奶油的温度;它不应高于165°F。(如果是这样,请在继续前进之前冷却至165°F。)
  • 丢弃茶包。将约1/2杯奶油轻轻搅拌到蛋黄混合物中,搅拌约30秒;这使蛋黄倾斜。然后轻轻搅拌剩余的奶油,搅拌约15秒钟以混合。用轻手 - 您不想制作泡沫的混合物,否则烤蛋ust的表面将具有泡沫状的表面。
  • 将细筛子放在大型的pyrex测量杯或带有喷口的耐热碗上。将蛋ust底座倒入筛子以应对任何固体。


  • Divide the custard base evenly among the four ramekins in the baking pan. There should be a little more than an inch of custard in each ramekin; it should not come all the way to the rim. Slowly pour hot water from the teakettle into the baking pan (don’t get any water in the ramekins) until the water comes about two-thirds of the way up the sides of the ramekins.
  • Carefully transfer the baking pan to the center of the oven, taking care not to slosh hot water onto yourself or into the ramekins. Lay a sheet of aluminum foil over the pan. Bake the custards until the edges are set about 1/3 inch in from the sides of the ramekins and the center is slightly jiggly (like Jell-O), 40 to 55 minutes. To test for doneness, reach into the oven with tongs and give one of the ramekins a gentle shake or nudge. If the custard responds with a wavelike motion rather than a slight jiggle, it’s not firm enough; bake for another 5 minutes and check again. (If you’re not sure about the doneness, stick an instant-read thermometer into the center of a custard—don’t worry about making a hole; you’ll cover it with sugar later—it should register 150° to 155°F.) The custards should not brown or rise.
  • 小心地从烤箱中取出烤盘,并使用橡皮筋包裹的钳子或开槽的刮刀从水浴中取出烤盘。在室温下在架子上冷却30分钟,然后将其转移到冰箱中以完全冷却。一旦蛋ust是冰箱冷的,请用保鲜膜包裹每个小模子。冷藏至少3小时或最多2天。

Caramelize the topping

  • 在食用之前,将其从冰箱中取出,然后将其放在工作表面上。一次与一个蛋ust一起工作,撒1/2至1茶匙。剩余的糖在每个糖中 - 糖越厚,地壳越厚。您可能需要倾斜并点击小模子以均匀地散发出糖层。擦去小模子边缘的任何糖。握住距蛋ust顶2到3英寸的火炬火焰,然后将其慢慢地在表面上来回滑动,直到糖融化并变成深金棕色。让糖冷却几分钟,然后立即食用,然后在糖变软并变粘之前。



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