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Scott Phillips

屈服:Yields 18 rolls

柔软,丰富和世界比商店购买的更好,这些华丽的黄油晚餐面包卷比您想象的要容易制作。实际上,描述如何塑造它们比实际做更困难。看这里for step-by-step photos for shaping them or watch our video on shaping and baking these dinner rolls, as well asCloverleaf,帕克之家, 和黄油flake, all made with this same dough.


For the dough

  • 1-1/2 cups whole milk; more as needed
  • 1 packet (1/4 oz. or 2-1/4 tsp.) instant or active dry yeast
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil; more as needed
  • 1盎司。(2汤匙)无盐黄油
  • 1/4杯砂糖
  • 1磅7盎司。(5-1/4杯)未漂白的面包粉;根据需要更多
  • 1-1/4 tsp. table salt or 2 tsp. kosher salt
  • 1 large egg


  • Vegetable oil spray
  • 1 large egg
  • 罂粟或芝麻籽(可选)

Nutritional Information

  • Calories (kcal) : 210
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):60
  • Fat (g): 7
  • 饱和脂肪(G):2
  • Polyunsaturated Fat (g): 2
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 2.5
  • Cholesterol (mg): 25
  • Sodium (mg): 180
  • Carbohydrates (g): 30
  • Fiber (g): 1
  • 蛋白质(G):6


Make the dough

  • 在一个小锅中,将牛奶加热至冷淡(约95°F)。从热量中取出,然后在酵母中搅拌直至溶解。加入油和黄油 - 黄油可能会开始融化,但是如果不完全融化的话,就可以了,然后在糖中搅拌。让休息直到酵母开始漂浮到表面,约5分钟。
  • In a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment (or in a large bowl), combine the flour, salt, and egg. Add the yeast mixture and mix on low speed (or with a large spoon) until a coarse ball of dough forms, about 1 minute. Let rest for 5 minutes.
  • Replace the paddle attachment with the dough hook and mix on medium-low speed (or knead by hand on a lightly oiled work surface) until the dough feels soft, supple, and pliable, about 3 minutes; it should feel tacky to the touch, but not sticky, and pull away from your finger when poked instead of sticking to it. If the dough is too sticky, add 1 Tbs. flour at a time, kneading to incorporate. If it’s stiff, knead in 1 Tbs. of milk at a time.
  • 在工作表面上擦一点植物油以创建一个8英寸的圆圈,然后将面团放在这个地方。将面团从所有四个侧面伸展并折叠到中间,将其卷曲在折叠式持续的地方,将其形成一个紧密而圆形的球。
  • Put the dough seam side down in a lightly oiled bowl that’s twice the size of the dough. Tightly cover with plastic wrap. Let sit at room temperature until doubled in size, about 90 minutes.

Shape the rolls

  • Line two 13×18-inch rimmed baking sheets with parchment or nonstick baking liners and lightly mist them with vegetable oil spray.
  • Using a bench knife, divide the dough into eighteen pieces (about 2-1/4 oz. each).
  • 用手将一块卷成12英寸长的绳索。如果面团开始粘住,请用植物油喷雾轻轻地将工作表面雾化,或用潮湿的毛巾擦拭。不要使用面粉。
  • Wrap the dough around your fingers into a loose knot; there should be about 2 inches of dough free at each end. Wrap the left end of the dough up and over the loop. Wrap the right end down and under the loop. Lightly squeeze the two ends of dough together in the center to secure them.
  • 轻轻将整块面团挤成一个漂亮的圆形。将面包卷放在烤盘上。重复剩余的面团。用植物油喷雾剂将卷的顶部雾化,并用保鲜膜松散地覆盖。
  • Let the rolls sit at room temperature or refrigerated until they just begin to swell, 30 minutes to 1 hour for room-temperature dough, 1 to 1-1/2 hours for refrigerated dough.

Bake the rolls

  • Position racks in the upper and lower thirds of the oven. If using a convection oven, heat it to 375°F; if using a conventional oven, heat it to 400°F.
  • Thoroughly whisk the egg with 1 Tbs. water and brush all over each roll. Sprinkle poppy or sesame seeds (if using) on the rolls.
  • While the oven heats, let the rolls continue to rise at room temperature, 20 to 40 minutes. They should be 1-1/2 to 2 times their original size before they go in the oven. (Once in the oven, they will rise about 20 percent more.)
  • 将烤盘放在烤箱中,烘烤6分钟。旋转床单180度,然后将其放置在架子上。继续烘烤,直到面包卷在顶部变成浓郁的金棕色,然后在下面发展一些褐色,再加上6到8分钟。在食用前,让纸卷在床单上或冷却架上冷却15分钟。






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  • Rsiebuhr|02/26/2021

    Excellent recipe thank you
    来自Rudy&Terry Florence Oregon
    A question can I freeze the dough and or the finished rolls?

  • Doriseide|2016年11月29日


  • greeklady|2016年3月30日

    These were delicious and the instructions were excellent -- a big hit with my family of 6 and guests! I am looking forward to trying the other roll recipes. Thank you so much for the inspiration!

  • GlendaLeslie|2014年1月3日

    我做了两次。一旦编写,然后修改。认为它缺乏一些其他人所指出的味道。我将食谱中的牛奶更改为1杯酪乳 + 1/2杯全牛奶,将糖添加到5汤匙,将盐提高到1 1/2茶匙桌子或2 1/2茶匙犹太洁食。我还将植物油减半,使黄油翻了一番。我在食谱中的现有鸡蛋中添加了一个蛋黄。我只加热了全牛奶,然后将酵母添加到其中,然后在房间温度酪乳中搅拌以防止酪乳凝结。虽然,酪乳可能只能加热到95度。额外的糖,取代酪乳和少量盐都会有助于风味。除盐外,所有这些东西都导致了嫩的面包屑。 Kept the bread flour because it gives an exceptional rise and a lovely texture. Additional egg yolk added more fat but also gave the interior a pretty golden color. I love Mr. Reinhart and Fine Cooking, I hope they don't mind that I tinkered with their formula.

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