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屈服:2 burrata balls, 8 to 9 oz. each

burrata是在意大利南部发明的,是奶酪制造商使用马苏里拉奶酪废料的一种节俭方式,即通过将它们与新鲜奶油混合并将其全部包裹在新鲜的奶酪球中。但是这种混合物是如此的精彩,它本身就立即成为美味佳肴。在此版本的Burrata中,您可以从新鲜的巴氏杀菌牛奶开始制作自己的芝士凝乳(尽管您也可以make burrata from purchased mozzarella curd). See the companion article for分步照片showing how to shape the burrata.


  • 2 tsp. citric acid
  • Spring water, as needed
  • 1 gallon whole milk, preferably homogenized and pasteurized, but not ultrapasteurized
  • 1/2平板电脑Rennet
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream; more as needed
  • Kosher salt

Nutritional Information

  • Nutritional Sample Size 2-oz.
  • 卡路里(KCAL):210
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):150
  • Fat (g): 17
  • 饱和脂肪(G):11
  • Polyunsaturated Fat (g): 0
  • 单不饱和脂肪(G):0.5
  • Cholesterol (mg): 25
  • Sodium (mg): 180
  • 碳水化合物(G):0
  • Fiber (g): 0
  • Sugar (g): 0
  • 蛋白质(G):10



  • 将柠檬酸溶解在½杯冷却的泉水中。将牛奶倒入一个不锈钢锅中,静置15分钟。搅拌时加入柠檬酸溶液。用中火将牛奶加热至88°F至90°F,经常搅拌。
  • Just before using, crush the rennet tablet and dissolve in 1/4 cup cool spring water. Remove the milk from the heat, add the rennet solution, and stir lightly twice. Let the milk sit for 12 minutes. At this time, the curd (solids) should be pulling away from the whey (liquids). The curd will resemble silken tofu. With a long sharp knife, cut it into 1-inch cubes without removing it from the pot.
  • 将锅返回中低温,并不断搅拌凝乳,直到温度达到105°F,约5分钟。
  • Place a colander in the sink, and spoon the cooked curds into the colander. (If you want to save the whey, strain the curds over large bowl.) Strain the curds well.


  • 将四分之一的凝结物移到一个小碗中。加入奶油和1/2茶匙。盐,将混合物与手指混合在一起。搁置。将剩余的凝乳转移到一个大碗中。


  • Heat a large pot of water (tap water is fine) until it registers 175°F to 180°F on a digital thermometer. Fill a large bowl with ice water and set aside.
  • 工作2汤匙。用手指将犹太盐塞入凝乳中。这似乎是很多盐,但不用担心。其中大部分将留在水中。直到它们被浸没在凝固的碗碗中,刚将热水倒入凝乳碗中,而不是直接在凝乳上。静置1至1-1/2分钟。
  • 搅拌Stracciatella填充物,如果看起来太干,则添加更多奶油。
  • With your hands, gloved or bare (remember, the water is very hot!), gather half of the curds into a ball, lift it from the bowl and let it stretch back into the water. Continue to stretch it until it is shiny and elastic. The curds should immediately and effortlessly stretch. If they don’t, return them to the hot water until they are soft and pliable, and stretch easily. (Tip: if the water has cooled too much, drain it and add more hot water from the pot.)
  • Working quickly, gently form the stretched mozzarella into a disk 5 to 6 inches in diameter and about 1/4 inch thick. Place the disk in the palm of your hand. carefully spoon 2 to 3 Tbs. of the stracciatella filling into the center of the mozzarella disk, adding 2 to 3 Tbs. more cream from the bowl. Twist the ball to seal. Place the burrata ball into the ice bath and let it cool until firm, 5 to 6 minutes. Repeat the process with the remaining curds, stretching and filling with the remaining stracciatella filling.
  • 立即食用burrata,或将其包裹在保鲜膜中并冷藏,直到准备使用。在48小时内服务。


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评论(7 reviews)

  • superdavit|05/22/2020

    好吧,那是浪费一加仑的牛奶和一个小时的时间。没有什么比作者说的那样出来了。它并没有融合在一起。就像feta的脆弱点。最后一步,覆盖在温水中的奶酪杀死了它 - 它没有剩下的。我合法地在此网站上创建了一个帐户,仅警告人们不要做到这一点。多么浪费。另外,该说明还不清楚。可以更清楚地说出“加热一大锅水”。

  • Luvintrisdam|04/18/2020

    I used double the rennet and strained it through a linen pillowcase. I didn't attempt the casing because it usually messes up, but I did manage to use all of it for the stracciatella filling and it came out great. Next time, I'm going to use extra citric acid and see if it's easier to do the casing.

  • Luvintrisdam|04/18/2020

    I used the exact milk it calls for and had the exact same issue. Cutting it into cubes in the pot is useless because the minute I stir, they fall apart. I HAVE managed to make the filling for the burrata but it will not stretch to make the outside. I've made this recipe over 10 times trying to get it right. I'm going to experiment with adding extra citric acid next time and see if that helps. Adding extra rennet doesn't seem to do anything.

  • 修道院2019年|01/03/2020


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