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Chocolate-Orange Cannoli Cheesecake

Romulo Yanes


Cheesecake made with a combination of cream cheese and ricotta is creamy and light. David Beer, the pastry chef at my restaurant Nostrana, fashioned this one after a cannoli, adding candied orange and flecks of chocolate. Don’t worry if the cake has a couple of cracks—it will get eaten too quickly for anyone to notice.


For the crust

  • 3-3/4盎司。(3/4杯)炮弹的开心果
  • 1-1/8盎司。(1/4杯)未漂白的通用面粉
  • 3 Tbs. granulated sugar
  • 1盎司。(2汤匙)无盐黄油,融化和冷却
  • 1个大蛋黄
  • 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract


  • 8盎司。奶油奶酪,软化
  • 3/4杯砂糖
  • 1/4茶匙。犹太盐
  • 4杯homemade ricotta, drained for 8 hours in the refrigerator and then brought to room temperature or good quality purchased ricotta, drained if wet
  • 1汤匙。amaretto
  • 1汤匙。细磨碎的新鲜橙皮(来自1个中等橙色)
  • 1汤匙。玉米淀粉
  • 1tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 3 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 1盎司。bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped (1/4 cup)
  • 1汤匙。切碎的蜜饯橙皮
  • 蜜饯橙色for garnish


  • 卡路里(KCAL):360
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):200
  • 脂肪(g):22
  • Saturated Fat (g): 11
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):2
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 7
  • 胆固醇(MG):115
  • Sodium (mg): 460
  • 碳水化合物(G):32
  • 纤维(G):1
  • Protein (g): 10


Make the crust

  • 将开心果在食物加工机中脉动,直到切碎,约20秒脉冲。加入面粉和糖,然后搅拌直至混合物呈粉状。在一个小碗中,搅拌融化的黄油,蛋黄和香草。添加到处理器中并脉冲,直到混合物捏合在一起。
  • 将混合物压入底部,并在9英寸弹簧式锅的侧面上方约1/2英寸。冷藏至少20分钟。
  • Meanwhile, position a rack in the center of the oven and heat the oven to 325°F. Bake the crust until lightly browned, 10 to 15 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Reduce the oven temperature to 275°F.

Make the filling

  • In a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the cream cheese, sugar, and salt on medium speed until soft and creamy, 1 to 2 minutes. Add the ricotta and beat until the mixture is smooth and light, 1 to 2 minutes.
  • 同时,在一个小碗中,将Amaretto,橙皮,玉米淀粉和香草混合。添加到面糊中并打直至混合。一次打鸡蛋,一次。添加鸡蛋后,请勿过度支撑混合物。用手折叠巧克力和蜜饯橙皮。
  • 将馅料倒入地壳中,并用铲子使顶部柔滑。在275°F下烘烤,直到边缘看起来固定,但是当锅被轻轻时,中心稍微摇晃,大约50分钟。关闭烤箱,在芝士蛋糕的边缘绕着一把薄薄的削皮刀,然后在烤箱中冷却烤箱,稍微ajar稍微ajar。转移到架子上,冷却至室温,约3小时。
  • 冷藏直到彻底冷藏,至少4小时。冷后,如果不立即食用,将蛋糕包裹在保鲜膜上。
  • To serve, run a thin knife around the edge of the cheesecake again before removing the side of the pan. Garnish with the candied orange slices before serving. To slice, heat the knife under hot water between each cut and wipe it dry.

Make Ahead Tips





  • mfl|11/15/2016

    这个芝士蛋糕是呈献tely delicious and refreshing but the cooking time is way off. After the requisite 50 or so minutes at 275, the cheesecake was still almost completely liquid. I cooked it for almost another 45 minutes and cranked up the heat to 300. It was still jiggly in the middle but after resting and refrigeration, it stiffened up and was perfect.

  • Angelcso|04/01/2016

    I wish I had read previous reviews but for some weird reason they were unaccessible when I downloaded this recipe.First, it was delicious. Second, I had to cook it about 30 minutes longer (and it was still creamy) I used quality store bought ricotta but may drain it a little before making this again. Maybe an hour or two. Next, I served it with a chocolate ganache (very easy-boil some heavy cream, pour it over chopped chocolate and stir)and it wasnot only delicious but gorgeous. I added a teas. of amaretto to ganache. Bought fresh store bought orange rind from local fruit store. Would use navel oranges next time for zest, as juice orange skin is way too thin. Defintely will make this again. Maybe it will be 5 stars then.

  • 用户2389603|2015年12月4日

    I have made this twice. It is superior to a regular cream cheese cheese cake. The cooking time was 15 to 20 minutes longer than stated in the recipe. I used a good quality commercial ricotta cheese - it did not need to be drained. I could only find unsalted, raw pisachios. I used them, without toasting, and added a little salt to taste. The crust came out fine. Make a little more crust than called for in the recipe to build it up slightly higher on the sides. I used 72% cocao chocolate instead of the bittersweet.

  • Kaydarlin|2015年9月9日

    很多步骤,但值得哇!为我的花园俱乐部会议做了这一点,这是一个很大的打击!阅读先前的评论非常有帮助,尤其是在烹饪时间。我在55分钟后每5分钟检查一下。它是在一小时5分钟完成的。取决于您的烤箱。我做了意大利乳清干酪(我真的很喜欢做这个,绝对值得)。我没有回到意大利乳清干酪的指示,也没有将其带到房间。这花费了很多混合。幸运的是,它不会影响芝士蛋糕!我同意有关添加更多巧克力作品的评论之一。 The orange slices did not dry out so maybe they should be more candied. I had to put the sanded sugar on at home then refrigerate it so the orange slices didn't look as pretty as the refrigeration affected the sugar. They tasted good though!I would definitely make this cheesecake again. It was delicious!


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