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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)




For the brine:

  • 2-1/2加仑水
  • 14 oz. kosher salt (2-1/2 cups Diamond Crystal or 1-1/4 cups Morton’s)
  • 1cup maple syrup
  • 24叶叶
  • 24个丁香大蒜,去皮
  • 1/3杯全黑胡椒
  • 2个小束新鲜的平叶欧芹(约4盎司)。
  • 1small bunch fresh sage (about 1 oz.)
  • 6 medium sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 四个大柠檬的皮和果汁(用蔬菜剥离剂在长条中取出皮)

For the turkey:

  • 14- to 16-lb. natural turkey (preferably fresh)
  • 1recipe三杆黄油,软化
  • 2汤匙。犹太盐
  • 2汤匙。现磨黑胡椒
  • 2盎司。(4汤匙)无盐黄油,融化


  • 2-1/2 oz. (5 Tbs.) unsalted butter
  • 2-1/2 oz. (1/2 cup) all-purpose flour
  • 4杯三杆土耳其汤或低盐鸡肉汤
  • 1-1/2杯黑比诺
  • 犹太盐
  • 现磨黑胡椒


  • Calories (kcal) : 780
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):420
  • 脂肪(g):47
  • Saturated Fat (g): 21
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):7
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 14
  • Cholesterol (mg): 270
  • Sodium (mg): 1650
  • Carbohydrates (g): 7
  • 纤维(g):0
  • 蛋白质(G):74


Two days ahead, prepare the brine:

  • 将所有的盐分成分放入带盖的5加仑汤锅中。betway电子竞技俱乐部盖上并用高火煮沸。将热量降低至中低,然后小火煮5分钟。从火上取出,冷却到室温,盖上锅,然后将盐水冷藏直至冷,最好过夜。

One day ahead: brine the turkey:

  • If already loose, trim the tail from the turkey. Otherwise, leave it attached. Remove and discard the giblets. Keep the neck and tail in the refrigerator. Rinse the turkey and put it in the pot with the brine. Refrigerate for 8 to 24 hours before roasting the turkey.

Prepare and roast the turkey:

  • 将架子放在烤箱的底部,然后将烤箱加热至350°F。从盐水中取出火鸡,然后丢弃盐水。将火鸡井冲洗液,将其干燥,然后将其放入一个大型防火锅中。轻轻地在胸肉和皮肤之间滑动您的手,以分离皮肤,以便您可以涂抹草药黄油。将草药黄油切成1/4英寸厚的圆圈,然后将它们均匀地分配在皮肤和胸肉之间,完全覆盖乳房。在皮肤和腿部之间还要操纵几块。接下来,将双手放在火鸡的外部,按摩皮肤下的黄油以均匀分配并分解圆形的碎片,因此火鸡完成后不会看起来像圆点。
  • Sprinkle 1 Tbs. of the salt and 1 Tbs. of the pepper in the cavity of the turkey. Tie the legs together. Fold the wings back and tuck the tips under the neck area. Flip the turkey onto its breast, pat the back dry, and brush with some of the melted butter. Sprinkle with some of the remaining salt and pepper. Flip the turkey over, pat dry again, brush all over with the remaining butter, and sprinkle with the remaining salt and pepper. Put the reserved neck and tail in the pan with the turkey. Cover the pan very tightly with foil and put in the oven, legs pointing to the back of the oven, if possible (the legs can handle the higher heat in the back better than the breast can). Roast undisturbed for 2 hours and then uncover carefully (watch out for escaping steam). Continue to roast, basting every 15 minutes with the drippings that have collected in the pan, until an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thickest part of both thighs reads 170° to 175°F and the juices run clear when the thermometer is removed, 45 minutes to 1 hour more for a 15-lb. turkey.
  • Remove the turkey from the oven. With a wad of paper towels in each hand, move the turkey to a serving platter, cover with foil to keep warm, and set aside. Discard the neck and tail; reserve the drippings in the roasting pan. Let the turkey rest for 30 minutes while you make the gravy and heat the side dishes

Make the gravy:

  • 用中高温将黄油融化在小锅中,直到起泡。加入面粉,然后将其快速搅拌到黄油中,直到完全合并为止。煮,不断搅拌,直到roux闻到烤面包的气味,并稍微变黑,变成浅焦糖颜色(请参见下图),大约2分钟。仔细观察,因为您不希望它变得太黑。从火上取出并放在一旁。
  • Pour the reserved turkey drippings into a clear, heatproof container, preferably a fat separator cup. (Don’t rinse the roasting pan.) Let sit until the fat rises to the top, and then pour out 1 cup of the juices (or remove and discard the fat with a ladle and measure 1 cup of the juices). Combine the juices with the turkey or chicken broth.
  • 将烤盘放在炉子的顶部,用中火在两个燃烧器上。加入黑皮诺并小火煮,用木勺刮下锅,以释放任何卡住的碎屑,直到葡萄酒减少了一半,大约5分钟。加入肉汤混合物,小火煮约5分钟。一次在roux中搅拌一下,直到达到所需的厚度(您可能不想全部使用)。用盐和胡椒调味调味料调味。通过细筛应变并转移到服务容器中。

Make Ahead Tips


剩下的土耳其很美味Turkey & Sweet Potato Hash



Reviews (25 reviews)

  • Bakergal53|12/24/2021


  • bratty|10/04/2019

    I do this every year. Our guests rave about how juicy this turkey is.

  • annie63|11/19/2017


  • PETE77|11/29/2013

    This recipe was very simple, and all of our guests raved about the turkey. The gravy was the fantastic, though I used veggie broth rather than chicken broth. I will definitely use this recipe again.


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