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Ricotta Blintzes with Dried Fruit Compote

Scott Phillips




For the dried fruit compote:

  • 4 dried figs, cut into 8 pieces
  • 4 dried apricots, cut into 8 pieces
  • 1 cup dried cherries
  • 1/2杯新鲜的橙汁
  • 1/4 cup honey, preferably wild flower or orange blossom honey
  • 1-1/2茶匙。红酒醋

For the crêpes:

  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 cup plain seltzer or club soda
  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 2盎司。(4汤匙)无盐黄油, melted and cooled slightly
  • 2汤匙。granulated sugar
  • Kosher salt
  • 4盎司。(1杯)通用面粉


  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • 2汤匙。蜂蜜,最好是野花或橙花蜂蜜
  • 1杯全米尔克乳清干酪
  • 3汤匙。切成薄片的新鲜薄荷

For assembly:

  • 2盎司。(4汤匙)无盐黄油



  • 将无花果,杏子,樱桃,橙汁和½杯水混合在1夸脱的锅中。用中高温煮沸,然后减少热量以保持immer。煮至水果变软,大约3分钟。从水果中过滤液体,保留液体。将水果转移到一个中等大小的碗中,放在一旁。
  • 将液体放回锅中,加入蜂蜜和醋。用中高温煮沸,减少热量以保持慢火煮,然后煮熟至糖浆约4分钟。将糖浆倒在水果上。

Make the crêpes:

  • In a medium bowl, lightly beat the eggs. Whisk in the seltzer, milk, melted butter, sugar, and 3/8 tsp.salt. Add the flour and whisk until the batter is smooth and pourable.
  • Set a dinner plate next to the stove. Heat an 8-inch nonstick skillet over low heat. Quickly pour 2 Tbs. of the batter into the skillet, swirling and tilting the pan as you pour. Try to evenly cover the bottom of the skillet (the crêpes cook too quickly to patch any holes). When the crêpe looks cooked and smells buttery, after about 1 minute, lift one edge with a spatula or your fingers and transfer it to the dinner plate. The crêpe should be pale; there is no need to flip and cook the other side. Continue with the remaining batter, layering the crêpes on top of each other on the plate. You should have about 25 crêpes. Let the crêpes cool completely before assembling.

Make the ricotta filling:

  • In a medium bowl, whip the heavy cream by hand with a whisk or with an electric hand mixer to stiff peaks. Stir in the honey, then fold in the ricotta and the mint. Don’t overmix.

Assemble and cook the blintzes:

  • Choose the 16 best looking crêpes (save the remainder for another use). Spoon 1 Tbs. of the filling into the center of each crepe. Fold one long edge in over the filling, followed by the two short edges, and finally, the second long edge (like a burrito). Arrange the blintzes seam side down on a large plate or baking sheet.
  • Melt 2 Tbs. of the butter in a 12-inch skillet over medium heat. Arrange half of the blintzes in the skillet seam side up in a single layer and cook until light brown on the bottom, 2 minutes. Flip and continue to cook until light brown on the second side, 1 to 2 minutes more. Transfer to a paper towel lined tray. Repeat with the remaining butter and blintzes. To serve, arrange two blintzes on each of 8 plates and top with the compote.

Make Ahead Tips


The crêpes can be made 1 day ahead; wrap in plastic and set aside at room temperature.

The filling can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. When ready to assemble the blintzes, gently fold the mixture again.


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