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How to Cook a Roast on the Grill

Grill-roasted beef, pork, and lamb are juicy, tender, and kissed with smoke

Fine Cooking Issue 27
Photos: Ben Fink
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In my mind, grilling has always been synonymous with quick-cooking fare like steaks, burgers, and chicken breasts. But as much as I love the ease and speed of these casual outdoor meals, I sometimes want to cook something more substantial without giving up the pleasure of cooking outdoors. So I’ve learned to use my grill as a sort of an outdoor oven, cooking goodsized roasts like beef tenderloin and pork loin over indirect heat. Once you have a good fire going, this cooking method takes no longer than roasting in the oven, and the results are even better. The meat is beautifully moist, juicy, and perfumed with that unmistakable taste of summer smoke.

Choose naturally tender roasts

最适合用于烤烤的切割是您通常会在烤箱中高温烘烤的烤架,即从腰部,里脊肉,牛lo,腿,腿和圆形烤制。我通常会坚持使用中小型烤肉(2至6磅),因为我通常可以在不加油的情况下烹饪它。(A good charcoal fire will last over an hour and a half—plenty of time to cook a roast this size.) You can certainly use the same method to cook larger roasts, like a standing rib, but you’ll need to pay more attention to the fire.



在烤架的凉爽侧面煮烤。With the grill’s lid on, the roast will have a steady supply of moderate indirect heat, but it won’t burn before it finishes cooking.

A large kettle grill works best

With a 22-inch or larger kettle grill, you’ll have plenty of room to accommodate both the fire and the meat. The dome of a kettle grill cover creates a perfect convection environment of heat and smoke to roast the meat evenly. I’m also convinced that the best fuel for grill-roasting is hardwood charcoal because it gives you the cleanest and longest lasting fire. You can use a gas grill for grillroasting as long as you’re able to heat only one side and set the roast on the other side.





For indirect grilling, bank the hot coals to one side of the grill.The fire is ready when the coals are glowing and a fine layer of ash covers them, as shown here.

Cuts and cooking times for roasts

Narrow roasts generally need a total cooking time of 35 to 50 minutes at an average temperature of 350°F, as they’re all about the same thickness. The best way to judge the cooking time of a fatter, rounder roast, how-ever, is to figure 15 to 20 minutes per pound. Variables like weather or an uneven fire can affect cooking times, so check the temperature in the thickest part of the meat with an instant-read thermometer. Remove lamb and beef at 125°F for medium-rare meat; pork at 135°F. Temperatures rise about 10 degrees during a 10- to 15-minute rest.

  • Long and narrow roast (2 to 5 pounds): center-cut pork loin, beef tenderloin, beef strip roast, beef tri-tip = 35 to 50 minutes total cookingtime (rotate after 20minutes)
  • Fat and round roast (3 to 6 pounds): beef top round roast, beef sirloin roast, sirloin tip, rolled, tied leg of lamb rolled, tied double pork loin roast = 15 to 20 minutes per pound (rotate halfway through)





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