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Fine Cooking Issue 76
Photos: Scott Phillips
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Dried mushrooms are my kind of luxury, convenient and affordable. While caviar or foie gras rarely fit my mood or budget, I can always have dried shiitakes, porcini, morels, and chanterelles on hand. And I reach for them often—both on harried weeknights when the clock is ticking and also when I’m looking for an extra boost of flavor to elevate a special dish. The flavor of dried mushrooms is concentrated and intense, and the texture is good and meaty. Like fresh mushrooms, they’re terrific in everything from soups to sauces to sautés.

Give ’em a soak.在食谱中使用干蘑菇之前,即使是汤或炖菜,也最好将它们补充水在热水中。这是有两个原因的必要条件:首先,它使蘑菇充满活力,作为奖励,浸泡液会产生一种美味的肉汤,您可以像其他任何其他汤一样将其掺入菜肴中。其次,浸泡还有助于从蘑菇中清除砂砾,否则会破坏您的菜肴。




The quality of dried mushrooms can vary greatly. My main rule is to buy them from a trusted source. If I can get a good look inside the package, I look for mushrooms that have a nice size and shape, and I avoid overly shriveled or crushed specimens.

The best way to buy dried mushrooms is to inspect their quality visually—they should be intact and not too shriveled. Dried mushrooms are sold in many supermarkets, but if you don’t see them, try specialty stores and high-end grocery stores like Whole Foods markets; we also liked the mushrooms we ordered from美食蘑菇和蘑菇产品

For long-term storage, I seal dried mushrooms in two heavy-duty zip-top freezer bags and put them in the freezer where they’ll keep indefinitely. For short term storage (a month or less), I seal the mushrooms in an airtight container or ziptop bag and store in a cool, dark place.


Versatile, affordable dried shiitakes are my go-to mushroom. Their meaty texture and smoky flavor is great on its own or paired with other varieties. Shiitakes are an obvious choice for Asian dishes, filling out soy-based braises or stews or perking up quick stir-fries.



Chewy, succulent, and intensely flavorful, dried porcini (or cèpes) have a deep, earthy essence that complements Italian seasonings and is delicious with pork and chicken.

Porcini (pronounced pour-CHEE-nee) have thick stems and broad caps and are generally sliced before they’re dried. After rehydrating them, you can use them just as you would fresh mushrooms.




Nutty, buttery, and somewhat smoky, dried morels go beautifully with spring ingredients like asparagus and spring onions (or ramps, if you can find them). The hollow, honeycombed caps of wild morels can harbor sandy grit. With cultivated varieties this isn’t as much of a problem, but to be on the safe side, it’s a good idea to rinse morels with water before soaking them.

How to soak dried mushrooms

Put the mushrooms in a medium heatproof bowl. For韭菜和莫雷尔阶层,野生蘑菇ragot, 和Risotto with Peas & Porcini,倒入2杯沸水,然后用小盘子将蘑菇倒入蘑菇,使蘑菇被浸没。(如果您使用的是蘑菇量较少或较大,只需使用足够的水就将其完全浸入。)浸泡直到浓郁和软化,约20分钟(有些品种可能需要更长的时间)。用开槽的勺子将蘑菇转移到切菜板上,将蘑菇中多余的液体挤回浸泡液体。冷静。卸下并丢弃任何坚硬的茎。粗切蘑菇。将浸泡液过滤在筛子中的咖啡过滤器或纸巾中。搁置蘑菇“肉汤”以供在菜肴中使用或冻结其他时间。

Simple ways to use dried mushrooms




• Spoon them onto polenta.

• Stir them into pan sauces for chops and cutlets.


• Add them to eggs: Sauté rehydrated dried mushrooms with shallots and butter and fold into omelets, frittatas, or scrambled eggs.

• Make flavored butter: Pulse rehydrated morels or chanterelles with softened butter and a fresh herb like thyme in a food processor. Use right away or shape into a log, wrap in plastic, and refrigerate. Pats of the butter are delicious on roasted or grilled meats and vegetables.







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