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Bresse-Style Poached and Roasted Turkey


D'Artagnan创始人兼首席执行官Ariane Daguin与我们共享的这种不寻常的方法将使您重新思考如何烹饪鸟。在芳香蔬菜汤中将火鸡偷猎的过程,然后在烘烤之前将其缓慢冷却过夜,使其在烘烤之前,使其令人难以置信的美味和湿润。(另一个明智的想法:使用剩余的偷猎液作为第一道菜汤的基础 - 请参见下面的详细信息。)只有一个“捕获”:您需要一个足够大的锅以适合您的火鸡。对于12至14磅。土耳其,您需要至少容纳20夸脱的人。但是,对于每次都有脆皮,金色棕色皮肤和湿润,多汁,美味肉的火鸡来说,这是值得的。


  • 2杯切成薄片的洋葱
  • 2杯剥落,切碎的胡萝卜
  • 1杯剥落,切碎的萝卜
  • 1杯切成薄片的韭菜(白色和浅绿色零件)
  • 1 7盎司。集装箱鸭demi-glace
  • Black peppercorns
  • Dried bay leaves
  • 112- to 14-lb. turkey, giblets removed
  • Kosher salt



Bring to a boil, then remove from the heat and very carefully lower the turkey into the pot, head-side down, so the liquid fills the cavity. Season generously with salt.


Remove from the heat, and let the turkey cool on the stove in the pot (up to 4 hours). Once cool, place the pot in the refrigerator and chill the turkey overnight in its poaching liquid. (If your fridge is not big enough, you can chill the pot in an ice-filled bathtub).

Position a rack in the bottom third of the oven, and heat the oven to 375°F.



To make a soup from the leftover poaching liquid: While the turkey roasts, remove the peppercorns and the bay leaves from the poaching liquid and transfer about 1 quart to a smaller stockpot. Add 1 peeled and cubed butternut squash, 1 peeled and cubed sweet potato, a halved onion, a few chopped carrots, some green leeks, and a few handfuls of peeled chestnuts. If needed, add a little more liquid to cover the vegetables. (You’ll have more liquid remaining in the pot—transfer to freezer bags, and freeze for later use.)

Bring it to a boil, then lower the heat and let it simmer until the vegetables are cooked and soft. Using a hand mixer, purée the soup until smooth. Adjust the seasonings with cider or sherry vinegar to taste.



评论(5 reviews)

  • jancokely| 11/26/2021

    精美的烹饪对这个食谱的解释使我感到非常困惑。正如另一位评论家指出的那样,杂志食谱中的烹饪时间与D'Artagnan的版本差异很大。(我什至发现另一个版本的唯一原因是在杂货店购物时,我搜索了Bresse Turkey并在网上找到了她的版本。)


    Also, my new humungous stock pot - which I purchased to try this recipe - apparently retains heat, so after the prescribed four hours I was still trying to cool it off in water baths in my kitchen sink before packing it with ice for the night... an endeavor that kept me up until 1:30 a.m. the night before Thanksgiving. (IF I were to re-do this, I would start much earlier in the day (!) or would place the turkey in a brining bag with enough stock to keep it immersed and cold it in the fridge or an ice packed cooler overnight.)



  • Lemurlaw| 11/26/2021

    我用土耳其威廉姆斯索诺玛的酱汁。首席运营官ked in the oven for just 1 Hour at 375 and it was a nice golden brown. Meat was very moist and tasty!

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