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When it comes to shopping for a great-tasting steak, it’s no longer just about choosing the right cut and grade. We now know that an animal’s diet is also an important factor in determining the quality of the beef.


There are taste differences as well. Grass-fed beef has a more complex flavor profile due to a varied pastoral diet. Lynne Curry, author ofPure Beef: An Essential Guide to Artisan Beef with Recipes for Every Cut, explains it this way: “Grass-fed beef is compositionally and nutritionally distinct from conventionally raised beef. I liken it to wild game because it is leaner and its flavors and composition depend on the pastures where it grazed and how it was raised by the rancher.” and Dan Barber, chef and co-owner of Blue Hill at Stone Barns, collaborated on a comprehensive report on the U.S. beef sector; in the report, he says, “grass-fed

Learning About Labels

While the difference between grass-fed and grain-fed cattle would appear to be a simple distinction, the labeling on packages can be confusing. Consumers need to be wary of some grass-fed beef claims and to dig a little deeper. Labels that identify beef as “grass-fed” don’t always tell the whole story, and claims such as pasture-raised, grass-finished, and natural are sometimes
misused. The takeaway here is to know that cattle eat grass, but not all cattle eat only grass. Talk with your butcher, shop at a high-quality market, and look for certifications from organizations like True Aussie Beef and the American Grass Fed Association, which ensure the product is 100 percent grass-fed and -finished. You may also see third-party certifications from animal welfare groups and natural beef cooperatives. (这是有关破译标签的更多信息)。


Better Nutrition, Healthier Cattle

According to Paul Crock, a farmer whose family has raised grass-fed cattle in Southern Australia for over 20 years, “Good taste and nutrition all have to start on the farm with the right practices that are best for the animal and the land.” Because grass-fed cattle are in their natural habitat, with access to all of the open space needed to support a herd, their lives are less stressful, which means their immune systems are under less pressure and rarely require artificial assistance, such as antibiotics. Crock adds, “Animal welfare is a very strong component of what we do. The cattle are out on the grasses and in nature all year-round.”

Cattle that graze eat all kinds of plants on the pasture, including weeds. The pastures are essentially wild, with their own balanced ecosystem and plenty of help from manure, so pesticides and artificial fertilizers are unnecessary. “We take pride in leaving the land we farm better than it was, taking steps to increase ground cover and keep our native grasses year-round,” says Matt Pearce, who raises cattle in Adelong, Southern NewSouth Wales. “The environmental work we do benefits our business, too—the cows are getting better grass. We have improved our native pastures, so cows can graze fresh grass all year. That means better nutrition, and healthier animals without any need for lot feeding,” he adds. “We are passionate about what we do,” says Crock. “It’s not just about selling meat; it’s about getting our passion through to the consumer.”

On a recent trip to Australia, I had the opportunity to experience the Aussie beef industry up close. Traveling through the southeastern portion of the country, I toured several cattle ranches, met with farmers, and shared many amazing meals that showcased their grass-fed beef products.


最好的旅程的一部分,是享受the many grass-fed beef dishes that chefs prepared. Most meals were served family-style on tables set outdoors on the farmland with guests that included local food producers and wine makers. From steaks on the barbie to a家常的牛肉锅,不乏美食和欢呼雀跃 - 澳大利亚牛肉行业的良好共鸣。

How to Choose and Cook Grass-Fed Beef


Because grass-fed beef is leaner, it cooks more quickly than grain-fed beef, which is well insulated by fat. The best advice is to keep a close eye on the temperature while cooking, and to aim for about 10°F less than the target temp for conventional beef. Be sure to use a meat thermometer to check for your desired doneness, and to remember that the meat will continue cooking after you remove it from the heat.



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