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Follow this flexible, step-by-step method for fall-apart-tender meat with its own rich sauce

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Oh yeah?

I first realized how much I was missing by ignoring braising, the most grand of the old techniques, soon after I became the chef at Mondrian in New York City. I was working on creating a dish that built layers of texture and deep flavor. I wanted subtlety, not flash.

我想煮一只婴儿羊肉。我立即知道我会烤腿,腰部和架子。但是最初,我对动物的剩余严格割伤的努力感到茫然。然后这让我感到震惊 - 小腿和肩膀将是完美的炖。我将烤架和慢慢煮的柄与用炖液制成的酱汁一起煮熟。这道菜很受欢迎,但更重要的是,我重新发现了炖。在菜单之后,首先在Mondrian,然后在Gramercy Tavern,现在在Craft上,我寻求融化的嫩嫩作品,包括曾经被忽视的肉类肉,如猪肉肩,羊腿和牛肉肋骨。这些天,我是一个奉献者,以至于我创建了菜单的特殊部分,只是为炖肉。

What exactly is a braise?

Braising is a method of cooking meats (or fish or vegetables) surrounded by a flavorful broth so the-muscle (or vegetable fiber) becomes succulent and tender.


Braising is a technique found in almost every cuisine. The basic method and meat cuts don’t vary too much across borders. What does change is the cook’s choice of aromatic vegetables, cooking liquids, and finishing garnishes.


A good braise begins by choosing the right cut of meat. I always reach for the tough but flavorful working parts of an animal. In four-legged animals, this means legs, shoulders, ribs, and even tails. In birds, it means thighs, legs, and wings. These cuts contain soft protein and fat, just as lean, tender meats do, but they also have sinew and connective tissue. This tissue contains collagen, which must cook to about 200°F before it will soften. When you braise meat in a gently simmering liquid, the collagen melts into gelatin, which then bastes the meat to produce a forkably tender result. Braising would ruin a lean, naturally tender sirloin, but it’s perfect for tough, collagen-rich cuts like lamb shanks, beef short ribs, pork shoulder, and chicken legs. Cooking tough cuts slowly not only makes them tender but also makes them taste better. The longer you expose protein to heat, the more flavor you can produce. It takes two to three hours in simmering liquid for a lamb shank to reach an internal temperature of 200°F, all the better for deep flavor.

One pan will do—a Dutch oven is perfect

Pick a pan that will hold the meat and vegetables snugly. Yes, I said snugly. When you brown meat or sauté vegetables, the food needs lots of room in the pan so it sears instead of steams. But when you’re braising, you want as little extra space as possible. A tight fit keeps the cooking nice and slow and regulates the reduction of the cooking liquid. The pan should also have fairly high sides so it can hold enough liquid to surround (though not submerge) the meat. At home, I like to braise in a large, deep cast-iron skillet. A Dutch oven or deep casserole will also work well.

For looks and flavor, don’t rush the browning

Brown braises always start by searing the meat in fat until it’s nicely browned on all sides. Unfortunately, this essential step is often rushed. You should always:

• Brown in small batches. You’ll sear the meat in the same snug pot or pan that you’re going to braise it in, but as I’ve just explained, crowding the pan during this first step would inhibit good browning.So be sure to give the meat the room it needs by browning in batches.

• Use medium or medium-high heat. Choose the heat according to what else you’re doing in the kitchen. Medium gives a slightly deeper caramelization and therefore a somewhat more richly flavored sauce. Medium high (never high) saves time but requires more attention to prevent burning.

• Have patience. Browning the meat will take 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces of-meat-and the size of your pan. This is definitely the aspect of braising that requires the most attention, but the payoff for doing it right is a deeply flavored sauce.

Sauté a flavor base of onions, carrots, and-celery


At this point, you can push the braise in whatever direction you want with the addition of more flavors. The field is wide open here, but the chart below will give you some ideas. Ingredients like herbs, spices, peppers, citrus, mushrooms, tomatoes, and garlic are all excellent choices.

选择您喜欢的液体 - 这是您最终酱汁的骨干


You need to add enough liquid to surround but not submerge the meat—it should just barely skim the meat’s surface. The liquid will reduce as you braise, concentrating the flavor of the sauce and letting the meat cook without poaching.

Braise in the oven or on the stovetop.

The goal is to allow the liquid to simmer slowly; don’t let it creep to a boil or the meat will cook too rapidly and dry out before it gets fully tender. In the oven, 350°F usually gives a nice simmer. On the stovetop, medium heat is usually about right. I prefer the oven for most braises. First, it frees the top of the stove for other projects. Second, I like to braise uncovered. This is a little unconventional, but I find it works very well. Covering the pan cooks the meat with steam, which speeds the process but produces less flavorful meat and sauce. Uncovered oven braising also allows the exposed meat to roast and brown. It does mean that you should turn the meat occasionally during cooking to ensure even browning and moist meat.

The liquid should bubble gently. If it’s too active, turn down the heat, and if it’s too quiet, turn it up. Also, use the opportunity to baste the meat and, if it looks like it’s getting dry, turn it. Braising doesn’t require constant supervision, but the best braise is the result of continued awareness.

肉做的时候温柔足以削减with a fork and begins to pull away from the bone. Let the broth cool to room temperature and then remove the meat from the pan. You’ll need to defat the sauce, easily done with a gravy separator. If you don’t have one, skim off the fat with a spoon. At work, I strain the sauce for a more refined look, but at home, straining isn’t so critical (but do remove any herb stems, bay leaves, or other inedibles). An unstrained sauce will have a relaxed, rustic texture. Either way, reduce the liquid enough so that it’s a little viscous, transforming it from a broth to a sauce.



当我准备食用这道菜时,我会在酱汁中加热肉,频繁地吹牛,然后让酱汁减少更多 - 可以覆盖木勺的后部。您可以按原样食用炖,也可以添加更多的装饰蔬菜,草药或其他成分,以使风味新鲜提升。betway电子竞技俱乐部我可能会搅拌与肉类煮熟的相同蔬菜的精美版本,或者我可能决定以更涉及的装饰,例如炖的朝鲜蓟或烤西红柿来散发味道。




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