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意大利著名的米饭仅在二十分钟内就煮熟,而且 - 苏普尔! - 不需要持续搅拌

Fine Cooking Issue 26
照片:马克·费里(Mark Ferri)
救to Recipe Box
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在我去意大利的一家餐厅上班之前,我听说过意大利调味饭,但我真的不知道那是什么。不过,我很快就知道了我的学徒。我注意到厨师厨师的Yolanda经常回到炉子上的沸腾锅中。“ Cosa Fai?”我问。“烩饭!”她回头了,很明显一个问题。尤兰达(Yolanda)用一汤匙磨碎的帕米亚诺(Parmigiano)完成了意大利调味饭,将味道吹进碗中,并用残酷的“ dai,mangia!”放在我面前。我从来没有品尝过类似的东西。

And there isn’t anything quite like risotto, a creamy, luxurious rice dish that you get by toasting hard-grained rice in a little butter, stirring in chopped vegetables and other ingredients, and adding hot stock bit by bit, cooking slowly until the rice is al dente. Risotto’s consistency can vary from something resembling a thick soup to a creamy porridge. It can be as simple as rice, white wine, stock, and a little Parmesan cheese stirred in at the end, or more elaborate, studded with vegetables, seafood, or meat. Once you’ve mastered the basic technique, you can make an endless variety of risotti.

Risotto needs a high-starch rice and a heavy pot

There are no shortcuts to risotto (and if anyone ever comes out with an instant version, don’t buy it). Real risotto needs gradual cooking and the right rice.

使用标记为Arborio Superfino,Vialone Nano或Carnaroli的大米。All three are plump grains with a high starch content, which is what gives risotto its characteristic chewiness and creaminess. Arborio is easiest to find, and I think the easiest to work with. Vialone nano is starchier and makes a denser, creamier risotto, but it goes from al dente to overcooked in a flash. Carnaroli is the hardest of the three and takes the longest to cook. It’s the best choice if you must cook risotto ahead of time, the way many restaurants do.

选择一个带有非反应性衬里的重锅。A thick bottom and sides help distribute the heat evenly and prevent burning; I often use an All-Clad pot. A stainless-steel, anodized-aluminum, or enameled interior won’t react with high-acid ingredients such as white wine or tomato, which can turn gray in aluminum or unlined cast-iron pans.


The first steps lay down layers of flavor

While some risotto recipes begin with a sauté of aromatic vegetables (known as a soffrito), into which you stir the raw rice, I prefer to start off with the rice.


Add the chopped vegetables for a sweet, mellow flavor.Adding onion or garlic early, along with any other raw ingredients that require lengthy cooking (such as sausage or mushrooms), ensures that both their flavor and texture will blend well with the rice.

White wine adds a touch of acidity and deepens flavor.It’s important to add the wine before the stock, because direct contact with the bottom of the hot pot will help burn off the alcohol, leaving only the wine’s subtler flavor. A simple, dry wine works best; avoid those that are woody or sweet. While the recipes here use white wine, there’s another whole group of risotti that depend on red wine.






Add the stock in small batches.Rice loves to soak up liquid; it’s the gradual addition of stock and slow cooking that gives you the creamy result unique to great risotto. Adding all the cooking liquid at once would be more like boiling or steaming the rice—which is okay, but it’s not risotto.

When the pan looks this dry, it’s time to ladle in just enough stock to cover the rice.
Don’t flood the pan; add just enough stock to cover the rice.


Risotto is at its best served immediately. But if you happen to have some that remains, there are some delicious ways to use leftover risotto:

  • Make fried rice balls (arancine) by molding risotto into golfball-size pieces. Poke a hole in the ball and fill it with chopped meat or cheese. Seal the hole with rice, roll the rice ball in beaten egg, toss it in flour, and fry.
  • Make意大利饭蛋糕(Tortine de riso)通过将约3/4英寸厚的扁平蛋糕塑造,在面包屑中挖出,然后用橄榄油炒至金黄色。
  • 加厚汤或肉汤,剩下的烩饭。

Constant stirring isn’t needed


To test for doneness, take a bite.When the rice is cooked, it will have just about doubled in volume. Each grain will be plumped but not broken open. Take one grain and bite it in half; it should be chewy and resilient. Look at the other half. If there’s a tiny white pin-dot in the very center of the grain, it means that the risotto has the proper al dente quality.

使用“摇测”检查适当的一致性。The other trick to checking risotto for doneness is making sure that it isn’t too soupy or too porridgy. There are two schools of taste here: some prefer a looser, liquidy risotto; I like a thicker one.









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