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Blanch the basil first to keep its bright color and to create a better emulsion

Photos except where noted: Joanne Smart.
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When I pull tender leaves of basil from their stems, I can’t resist closing my eyes and taking a deep breath; the fragrance is pure summer. One of my favorite ways to showcase the herb is to make a traditional Genovese pesto sauce, a purée of lots and lots of basil with garlic, pine nuts, cheese, and olive oil. Not only is this potent sauce versatile—equally at home on pasta, in an omelet, and paired with chicken—but because I can freeze it, I can make pesto when basil is at its best and then continue to enjoy it through the fall.

A blanching and a blender give you the best results


罗伯特·丹希(Robert Danhi)更喜欢制作香蒜酱。搅拌机的作用将成分拉入刀片中,而食品加工机则将大部分成分喷在碗中。betway电子竞技俱乐部

在融合后,快速的蓝色会使罗勒变软,从而产生更柔软的酱汁。有两个原因为什么我漂白罗勒puréeing it. One of them, admittedly, is purely cosmetic: a brighter green color that holds for several days. More important, however, is the texture. Blanched basil emulsifies more easily to produce a smoother yet full-bodied sauce. Blanching will slightly reduce the potency of the fresh basil flavor, but because a good bunch of basil starts out so incredibly fragrant, the reduction is minimal. Just be sure to dip the leaves only briefly in the boiling water and then quickly plunge them in ice water to keep them from overcooking.

The briefest dunk is all you need. You want the leaves to become limp but not cooked—just a few seconds in the hot water.

Start with the best basil, the freshest pine nuts, and good-quality cheese


松果使香蒜酱变稠. These soft nuts purée really well to give the sauce more body. But because they spoil easily, smell and taste your pine nuts to be sure they’re fresh before adding them to the pesto. (Storing them in the refrigerator extends their life.) Sweet, rich pine nuts are the standard in basil pesto, but you could substitute another mild-flavored nut, such as walnuts or almonds.

选择特级橄榄油以获得最佳的罗勒香蒜酱。I prefer a mild, fruity oil rather than a peppery one since the sauce already gets some heat from black pepper and raw garlic. When I make pestos using other herbs, such as the cilantro-scallion pesto, I might choose a more neutral oil, such as canola or grapeseed. Whichever oil you use, smell and taste it for freshness as well.

Pesto freezes well, so go ahead and make a lot of it


Pesto pasta, potatoes, chicken & more

Pesto can brighten your menu in many ways:
• Swirl a dollop into a potato, tomato, or white bean soup.
• Add a tablespoon to a simple vinaigrette for drizzling on grilled vegetables.
Or try some of the recipe suggestions below.

香蒜酱面食:Toss your favorite cooked pasta with pesto that’s been thinned slightly with stock or the pasta cooking water; a few tablespoons of pesto per serving works well. Delicious additions might include black olives, chopped tomatoes, toasted breadcrumbs, sautéed or grilled zucchini, roasted peppers, andeven grilled chicken.

Pesto Mashed Potatoes:Gently fold some pesto into your favorite mashed potatoes. I use about 3/4 cup pesto for mashed potatoes made with 2-pounds potatoes and 1 cup cream or milk (no butter needed). Taste for salt and pepper after adding the pesto.

Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Pesto, Mozzarella & Sun-Dried Tomatoes:在无骨鸡胸肉的最厚的一侧,切一个深,长的口袋。像书一样打开分裂的鸡胸肉。将1汤匙罗勒香蒜酱撒在乳房的内部,撒上约一盎司的磨碎的芝士和一些切碎的晒干的西红柿(如果很干燥,则补充水分)。将乳房折叠在一起,撒上盐和胡椒粉,然后在425°F的浅油脂烤盘中烘烤,直到煮熟约30分钟。如果您愿意,烹饪后,再加上一两茶匙或两张温暖的香蒜酱。

Grilled Eggplant, Goat Cheese & Pesto Sandwiches:Bake or grill slices of eggplant until tender. Spread some pesto on the inside of a split baguette and grill the baguette as well. Top with crumbled fresh goat cheese, tomato, some arugula, and the eggplant slices.

烤虾与香菜香蒜酱:Devein some large shrimp but don’t remove the shell (slit the shell to expose and remove the vein). Toss the shrimp with olive oil and salt and pepper. Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet and broil for about 5 minutes. Flip the shrimp over and cook until opaque all the way through. Serve with the cilantro pesto for dipping and a bowl for the shells.

Pesto Crostini: Slice a baguette into thin rounds; toast the rounds lightly. Spread on a thin layer of pesto and top with thinly sliced tomatoes or roasted red peppers. You can also sprinkle grated Parmesan or mozzarella over the top and broil briefly to melt the cheese.




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