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Coconut Cream Pie

艾伦·西尔弗曼(Ellen Silverman)

Yield:产量1 9英寸派。


甚至说他们不喜欢椰子的人也喜欢这个派,摘自食谱妈妈最好的。What sets it apart is the chocolate cookie crust and the coconut rum. If you don’t already stock coconut-flavored rum in your home bar, get a bottle if only for this recipe. It really takes the flavor to another level.




  • 6 oz. Nabisco® Famous Chocolate Wafers (about 30 cookies)
  • 5汤匙。无盐黄油,融化


  • 1-1/2 cups whole milk
  • 1/2杯重奶油
  • 1个香草豆,纵向分成一半
  • 6个大蛋黄
  • 1/2杯砂糖
  • 1/8 tsp. kosher salt
  • 2汤匙。玉米淀粉
  • 1-1/2杯甜味,切碎的椰子,烤,还有更多装饰
  • 4汤匙。无盐黄油
  • 2汤匙。椰子朗姆酒,例如马里布


  • 1-1/2 cups cold heavy cream
  • 1tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4杯糖果糖



  • Heat the oven to 350°F and place a rack in the middle of the oven. Place the chocolate wafers in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the metal blade and pulse until ground into evenly sized crumbs. Or place them in zip-top bag and pulverize them with a rolling pin or meat mallet until finely crushed. You should have about 1-1/2 cups of crumbs.
  • 将面包屑放在中等混合碗中。在融化的黄油中淋上毛毛雨,并与叉子混合,直到碎屑均匀湿润(如果使用食物处理器,在脉冲时将黄油淋上通过饲料管淋上)。
  • Transfer the buttered crumbs to a 9-inch pie plate, and use your fingertips or the back of a spoon to press the mixture evenly into the pie plate, spreading it up the sides but not over the rim. (I find the back of a spoon works best for pressing the crumbs into place and scraping away the thicker areas where the bottom meets the sides to even out the crumbs.)
  • 烘烤7至10分钟,或直到外壳的侧面感觉坚硬。在填充之前,转移到电线架上完全冷却。

To make the filling:

  • 将牛奶,奶油和香草豆放入大型(4夸脱)锅中。用中高温加热,偶尔搅拌,直到几乎要煮沸。(表面将开始看起来像泡沫。这称为烫伤。不要让它煮沸。)从火上取出,让香草豆浸入牛奶中15分钟。
  • 将蛋黄,糖,盐和玉米淀粉放在中等的搅拌碗中,然后用搅拌搅拌直至充分混合,约1分钟。
  • Remove the vanilla bean from milk. Use a knife to scrape out as many seeds as possible and add them to the milk. Swirl the pod in the milk to remove any remaining seeds. Discard the pod or save for another use. Add the toasted coconut and place the pot over medium-high heat. Bring to a simmer, then remove from the heat.
  • Ladle out about 1/2 cup of the hot milk and whisk it into the egg mixture. (This is called “tempering,” which allows the eggs to warm up so they don’t get shocked into curdling when you pour them into the hot milk.) Slowly pour the egg mixture into the pot of milk, whisking steadily to keep the eggs from curdling.
  • 将锅放在中火上,将混合物煮沸,不断搅拌,但不要疯狂。(您必须不断搅拌,以免炒鸡蛋,但也不要太剧烈地搅拌)。将热量降低至低水平,并在不断搅拌时继续煮熟(确保获得侧面和边缘),直到混合物非常厚,约2至3分钟。从火上取出,加入黄油并搅拌直至融化,然后搅拌椰子朗姆酒。
  • 让馅料冷却到温水(约15分钟),然后倒入冷却的馅饼外壳中。将一块保鲜膜直接放在表面上(以防止皮肤形成)。食用前将馅饼冷藏至少4小时。


  • 在食用前,制作鲜奶油浇头:将奶油和香草放入装有搅拌附件的立式搅拌机的碗中(或者,如果使用搅拌或手持式搅拌机,将其放入深搅拌碗中)。以中等速度打败直到泡沫。撒在糖果糖中,以中高的速度跳动直至形成僵硬的峰(当搅拌时,奶油将形成一个不会下垂的点)。
  • Mound the whipped cream in the center of the chilled pie. Use the back of a large spoon or an offset metal spatula to spread it out to the edge and give it a few decorative swirls. If desired, fill a pastry bag fitted with a star tip with half of the whipped cream and pipe a border around the outside of the pie (pipe a ring of the letter “s,” starting a new “s” inside the bottom part of the previous “s” so they interlock). Sprinkle with toasted coconut and serve.






  • cookiegirl52|04/06/2015

    We loved the filling, but hated the crust made with the Nabisco Famous Wafers. Maybe there was a problem with the particular package I bought, but as soon as I opened the package there was a strange chemical smell. Others thought there was a strange smell/taste to the crust. My son (the coconut cream pie aficionado) thought it was the ideal coconut cream filling. I would make this pie again, but skip this crust.

  • jenzstuff|04/06/2014

    Wow. An amazing recipe. Beautiful, delicious and a show stopper. I think there is a a little "Secret Society of Coconut Cream Pie Lovers". When I've made this people either say that they haven't had it and are curious to try or they say they love this pie but never get to have it. And everyone just loves this. You will be everyone's favorite baker if you do. Also, one of my pie plates is slightly larger, so now I double the filling and the whipped cream and it is truly spectacular!

  • Allsbrow|04/08/2013

    So very very good! I made the crust and filling the day before the party. And whipped the cream about 2 hours before serving. The leftovers (which I only have because there was also a giant birthday cake served) have held up nicely for 2 days.

  • 奎恩|2013年1月23日




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