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A Genius Method for Cooking a Holiday Roast


December/January 2015 Issue
Photos: Scott Phillips
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We’ve all been there. You’re cooking a big, expensive roast for a large family gathering when the doubts begin to set in: Is it done yet? It is undercooked? (Or worse: Is it overcooked?) Well, I’m here to take that worry away with a simple method: reverse searing.


Here’s why it works: Large cuts of meat, such as standing rib roast or even beef tenderloin, cook more evenly at lower temperatures. As the roast nears doneness, the lower heat prevents the meat’s internal temperature from spiking to overdone, which can happen in a blink when roasting with high heat. As an added benefit, searing already-cooked meat takes less time than searing raw meat, and less time searing helps keep that sad gray outer ring of overcooked meat at bay.


I once cooked prime rib this way for 200 people, and there was only one problem: I didn’t have enough well-done pieces because even the ends of the roast were pink.

If, like me, you think that’s a good thing, the reverse sear will become your new normal. It has for me!

Good to know

Temperature trumps time
The times given for roasting in the following recipes are a guide and will vary depending on your oven, the size of the roast, and whether you use grain- or草食牛肉. Use an instant-read thermometer and rely on temperature to gauge doneness.

Sitting out is safe
The USDA, which errs on the conservative side, says it’s OK to leave an almost-cooked roast out at room temperature for up to 2 hours.

Two ways to sear
Searing on the stove allows for more control since you can see the browning, but the oven is hands off with less smoke and spattering. The choice is yours.

No rest required

Roasts with the most

Since the reverse-sear method is all about keeping it simple, easy-to-carve boneless roasts like the ones shown below are the way to go. In the recipes that follow, you can swap one for another, but know that the tenderloin will cook faster than the larger roasts.

A streak of fat is part of the charm of a luxuriously rich boneless rib roast (aka prime rib). If you prefer it leaner, ask your butcher for a roast from the “small end.”

Not to be confused with a top round or sirloin roast, which won’t cook up as tenderly, the top loin is where a New York strip steak comes from, so yum. Perhaps not surprisingly, it’s also referred to as a strip loin roast.








  • User avater
    user-7227042 | 12/24/2018


  • User avater
    user-7227042 | 12/24/2018

    We've done the slow cooking portion at temperatures between 250-275 degrees (F). A five pound, boneless rib eye can take from 2.5-4 hours to reach medium rare. Timing depends more on the diameter than the weight. Sear the roast 450-500 degrees(F) for about 15 minutes. We don't have a vent hood, so go with 450 to avoid splattering fat smoke.

  • 7324 | 12/24/2018

    User 7324
    临时和朗g per lb for slow roast for particular degree of doneness

  • user-1129765 | 12/11/2017

    You don't say what temp to cook in oven first and to what temp before searing after.

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