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照片:Scott Phillips
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多功能椰奶代替牛奶或奶油,为从丰盛的汤到精致的甜点增添了丰富的质地和风味。另外,这是最终的便利食品 - 开放打开罐根本不需要工作。这些罐子会耐心地坐在您的储藏室架子上,等待您做一些奇妙的东西。无需担心选择一个好的椰子,打开它或变坏。

从泰国寻找椰奶,这是最好的。I find Thai coconut milk fresher tasting than others, with a luscious texture that’s thick and rich. My favorite brands are Chaokoh and Aroy-D, which are available in 13.5-ounce and 14-ounce cans, respectively. (Some brands of coconut milk are also available in 5.6-ounce cans for when you need a smaller amount.) Unless a recipe specifies otherwise, vigorously shake a can of coconut milk before opening it. Blending the very thick cream on the top with the thinner milk below will make it easier to remove the coconut milk from the can without a rubber spatula. Once the coconut milk is opened, transfer it to an airtight container and refrigerate. It won’t last for more than a couple of days.

椰子水,椰奶,椰子奶油和“ Lite”椰奶有什么区别?

At four months old, the young coconut (also called a jelly or green coconut) contains a delicate, clear, slightly sweet liquid called椰子水椰奶但是,是白色和厚的,是通过将磨碎的成熟椰子与热水混合,然后拧紧液体来制成的。Coconut creamis the thick substance that floats to the top of the coconut milk and may be spooned off. Reduced-fat or“ Lite”椰奶is just regular canned coconut milk with water added. I say who needs it? We can make that ourselves.

在您想要的奶油质地和丰富的味道中加入椰奶。正如您在我的食谱中看到的那样(在下面的想法中),椰奶是咸味和甜味菜肴的绝妙补充。要获得完美的冬季舒适食品,请尝试我satisfying vegetable soup, made with a lovely combination of hearty root vegetables, coconut milk, ginger, and fresh thyme. If most of your coconut milk experiences come from eating Thai or other Southeast Asian cuisine, my version of xim-xim, a巴西鸡肉和虾炖肉, will introduce you to an entirely different—and delicious—flavor profile. If it’s dessert you’re after, coconut milk joins bread for优雅的个人面包布丁。And finally, for breakfast or a snack, try a warming bowl of用椰奶制成的燕麦片并配上蜜饯山核桃,椰子和干桃。


  • 用椰奶,商店购买的泰国咖喱酱和汤快速制作泰国汤;加入虾或鸡肉,红洋葱,香菜和罐装草蘑菇。
  • 椰奶在奶油汤中也很好,例如番茄或丰盛的奶油,例如黑豆。
  • 一堆椰奶为炒菜增添了快速的风味。
  • After sautéing chicken, deglaze the pan with coconut milk, minced shallots, and ginger; add chopped mango chutney and let the mixture reduce. Garnish with minced scallions.
  • 制作奶油菠菜或玉米与椰奶。
  • When mashing white or sweet potatoes, add coconut milk instead of regular milk or cream.
  • 制作大米或意大利调味饭时,将椰奶加入液体。快速烹饪大麦和蒸粗麦粉也很好。
  • 将椰奶代替您最喜欢的印度咖喱中的酸奶。
  • 椰奶在冰沙中很棒,尤其是用芒果和菠萝等热带水果制成的冰沙。
  • Try a little coconut milk in fruit salads and fruit salsas. Make a mango and cucumber salsa with red onion, mint, basil, and coconut milk.
  • 在快速面包和松饼中使用椰奶作为液体。如果您添加烤椰子,热带水果或坚果,它们的味道甚至会更好。
  • 在米饭布丁或奶油奶油中使用椰奶与奶油或一半的奶油或一半。
  • 为了简单的甜点,请加热椰奶,切成薄片的香蕉,少量糖和一大块盐,然后加热。


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