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This impressive dessert is easy with a crust that handles well and bakes up crisp and tender

Fine Cooking Issue 65
照片:Scott Phillips
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The trickiest part of making a lattice-top pie isn’t figuring out how to weave the top crust (the step-by-step photos below show the technique). The real trick is in the dough. It must be strong enough to withstand extra handling but still be tender and full of flavor when it’s baked. I’ve recently developed a butter crust that’s ideal for lattice pies. It contains a few more ingredients than your average pie dough, but each one plays a vital role.


Cream cheeseenhances flavor and tenderness. It contains more fat and milk solids than butter. The extra fat coats some of the flour proteins, limiting gluten development. The milk solids contribute flavor and a smooth texture.



Baking powderlifts and aerates the dough slightly, making it seem even more tender. I recommend Rumford brand baking powder, as it contains calcium phosphate instead of aluminum sulfate, which leaves a bitter aftertaste.

You can make a lattice pie without special equipment, but if you want the top strips to have decorative edges, you’ll need a fluted pastry wheel, called a pastry jagger. You can purchase one from厨师的商品,带有几个品牌。


1. Make the dough.将黄油切成3/4英寸的立方体。将它们包裹在塑料中,冻结至至少30分钟。将通用面粉,蛋糕粉,盐和发酵粉放入金属碗中,冷冻至少30分钟。

Put the cold flour mixture in a food processor and process for a few seconds to combine.

Cut the cold cream cheese into three or four pieces and add it to the flour mixture. Process for 20 seconds (the mixture should resemble fine meal). Add the frozen butter cubes and pulse until none of the butter pieces is larger than a pea, about five 3-second pulses. (Toss with a fork to see it better.)


Cut the dough in half and put each half on a large piece of plastic wrap. Loosely cover the dough with the plastic. Using the wrap as an aid (to avoid warming the dough with your bare hands), shape one half of the dough into a flat disk and the other into a flat rectangle. Wrap each tightly in the plastic and refrigerate for at least 45 minutes and up to 24 hours.

2. Roll out the bottom crust.从冰箱中取出面团盘(保持矩形冷藏);如果它非常牢固,请坐在室温下,直到足够柔韧的滚动,10至15分钟。


取出一块塑料,然后将面团翻转成标准的9英寸派锅(应深1 1/4英寸,并容纳4杯液体)。将面团放入锅中,小心地将塑料剥落。修剪面团,以便有3/4英寸的悬垂。折叠在自身下方的悬垂,以创建一个边缘,该边缘延伸到馅饼锅的边缘之外约1/4英寸。用保鲜膜盖住面团衬里的馅饼板,并冷藏至少30分钟。

3.做馅料并在馅饼上放上馅饼。Make the fruit filling as instructed in the recipes.

Remove the rectangle of dough from the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature until it’s pliable enough to roll, 10 to 15 minutes. Roll the dough on a lightly floured surface to an 11×14-inch or larger rectangle (if it becomes an oval, that’s fine); it should be no more than 1/8 inch thick.



4. Bake the pie and let it cool.用保鲜膜轻轻覆盖组装的馅饼,冷藏1小时。经过30分钟的冷却,将烤箱架放在最低的梯级上,并在上面放一块衬有箔纸的烘焙石或烤盘。将烤箱加热到425°F。




How to weave a lattice for a beautiful pie

1. Arrange five strips of dough evenly over the filling, starting with a long strip for the center. Gently fold back every other strip (the second and fourth) to a little past the center.
3. Unfold the two folded strips so they lie flat on top of the perpendicular strip. Now fold back the strips that weren’t folded back last time (the first, third, and fifth ones).
5. Repeat on the other side with the two remaining strips: fold back alternating strips, lay a strip of dough on top, and unfold. Remember to alternate the strips that are folded back to create a woven effect.
6. Trim the strips to a 1/2-inch overhang. Moisten the underside of each one with water and tuck it under the bottom crust, pressing to make it adhere. Crimp or flute the edges, if you like. Chill and bake the pie as directed in step 4 above.




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