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Apple-Bacon Barbecued Ribs (Gas Grill Version)

斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)

Servings:six to eight

The smoky-sweet-spicy flavor of thisrub and sauce是猪排的经典补充,是父亲节或任何烧烤的完美庆祝餐。您可以使用Spareribs或婴儿后肋骨作为此食谱;婴儿背部将需要减少一个小时的烹饪时间。要在木炭烤架上制作这些肋骨,请参阅charcoal version食谱。



  • 2 cups hickory wood chips
  • 2个架子圣路易斯风格的Spareribs(每个3至3-1/2磅)或3个架子婴儿后肋骨(2至2-1/2磅)


  • 4茶匙。犹太盐
  • 2茶匙。一个ncho chile powder
  • 2茶匙。sweet paprika, preferably Hungarian
  • 1茶匙地面小茴香
  • 1茶匙celery seed
  • 1茶匙freshly ground black pepper


  • 卡路里(KCAL):600
  • Fat Calories (kcal): 380
  • 脂肪(g):43
  • Saturated Fat (g): 16
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):6
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 18
  • Cholesterol (mg): 160
  • 钠(MG):860
  • Carbohydrates (g): 8
  • 纤维(G):1
  • 蛋白质(G):43


Prepare the wood chips and season the ribs

  • 将木屑浸入水中约1小时。
  • Slide the blade of a dinner knife under the thin, translucent silverskin that covers the bone side of each rack (note that some racks are sold with the silverskin already removed). Lift and loosen the membrane until you can grab it with a paper towel; pull it off and discard.
  • 在一个小碗中混合香料摩擦成分。betway电子竞技俱乐部在肋骨上撒上摩擦,使肉的侧面比骨头侧少一点,然后将摩擦插入肉中。将肋骨直立在肋骨架上,使肉的侧面面向相同的方向。在架子之间留出尽可能多的空间;他们不应该触摸。准备烤架时,让架子在室温下静置30至60分钟。

Prepare the fire

  • 排干木屑。


    Using tongs or an insulated mitt, set the pan of wood chips in one of the rear corners of the grill, right over a lit burner or two (or over the steel bars covering the burners). Replace the cooking grate. Close the lid and wait until smoke pours out of the chip pan, usually 20 to 30 minutes. Then turn off all the burners except the one just below the chips


  • 小心地将肋骨架放在烹饪炉排的侧面,与点亮的燃烧器相对,架子的骨头朝向燃烧器。(骨骼将保护肉不快。)关闭盖子并调整剩余的燃烧器,直到温度为300ºF,这可能需要低,中或高的设置,具体取决于您的烤架。将肋骨吸收1小时的婴儿背部,2小时的晶状球杆。在最初的烹饪中,准备拖把和调味料


  • 从烤架和肋骨架上取下肋骨,并将其放在大框架烤盘上。用大约一半的拖把,轻轻刷两侧的肋骨。小心地将肋骨放回肋骨架中,再次面向相同的方向,但是这次倒置了,以便没有那么褐色的零件将使热量和烟雾更加接触。将肋骨架放回烤架的凉爽侧,再次朝骨头朝向热量。关闭盖子。
  • Let the ribs cook until the meat shrinks 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the ends of at least several bones, 2 to 3 hours longer, and then check them for doneness (see below). During this time, baste the ribs occasionally with the remaining mop (don’t bother removing them first from the rib rack). You may not use all the mop.


  • When the rib meat has shrunk 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the ends of several bones, lift each rib rack one at a time from the metal rack, holding the meat at one end with tongs. Turn the ribs bone side up and let them hang so that the weight of the other end bends the rack in an arc. If the meat separates and tears easily near the middle of the arc (see photo), that rack is fully cooked. Some racks take longer than others, as long as 4 hours total cooking time for baby backs and 5 hours for spareribs.

  • As each rack of ribs is fully cooked, lay it on a large sheet of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Lightly brush the ribs on both sides with the sauce—you may not need it all. Then wrap each rack individually in the foil. Let them sit at room temperature for 15 to 30 minutes for baby backs and 30 to 45 minutes for spareribs. Unwrap the racks, cut them into individual ribs, and serve warm.

Serve with ears ofGrilled Corn on the Cob一个nd酪乳和草药科尔的色拉


You don’t need to make the barbecue sauce until the ribs start their initial cooking.



Reviews (3 reviews)

  • 可可丽|06/08/2014

    这些肋骨很棒!我已经打印出了燃气烤架版本,但我的丈夫决定他想在我们的木炭烤架上制作它们,因此他打印了木炭版。我担心这些可能太甜了,但是它们根本不是。我确实决定使用1 1/2茶匙。ancho辣椒粉和1/2茶匙。Chipotle辣椒粉在摩擦中,而不是使用所有Ancho辣椒粉和1/4茶匙。凤尾辣椒粉和1/4茶匙。Chipotle辣椒粉烧烤酱。肋骨的平衡略带甜,略带辣,当然,由于使用山核桃块,它们当然是烟熏的。我们一定会多次进行。

  • Wyrdsyster|03/23/2013

    We have tried countless rib recipes and this one is the best ever.It will be the standard to which every future recipe must measure up to.

  • rachelvng|2011年8月13日

    This is kind of a "partial" rate because I just made the bbq sauce to use with a pork tenderloin that I grilled, not the ribs. The sauce was delicious. I added some chipotle in adobe that I had on hand. I'll try the whole recipe one day soon but for now, I've added the apple-bacon bbq sauce to my recipe book. Delicious!

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