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A perfect soufflé is a work of art: puffed, light as air, but here made more far more healthy and hearty with featherweight quinoa in the mix. However, have everyone at the table, ready to eat. Soufflés begin to collapse the moment they leave the oven.

This recipe is excerpted fromGrain Mains: 101 Surprising and Satisfying Whole Grain Recipes for Every Meal of the Day. Read ourreview.


  • 1/2杯藜麦,最好是白藜麦
  • 1/2杯磨碎的帕马诺 - 雷吉亚诺
  • 6个大鸡蛋,在室温下分离
  • 4-1/2 Tbs. unsalted butter, plus more for the soufflé dish
  • 6汤匙。全麦面粉或藜麦面粉
  • 1杯牛奶(全部,2%,1%或无脂)
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine or dry vermouth
  • 1-1/2杯罐装南瓜泥(不是南瓜派填充)
  • 1/2 tsp. grated nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp. ground sage
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper


  • Fill a medium saucepan about halfway with water and bring it to a boil over high heat. Stir in the quinoa, reduce the heat to low, and cook until the grains have developed their halos and are tender, about 12 minutes. Drain in a fine-mesh sieve or a lined colander set in the sink. Cool the grains down under some running tap water. Drain thoroughly.
  • 将架子放在烤箱的中心,并将其预热至375°F。轻轻将2夸脱的蛋奶酥盘或圆形高面烤盘上涂上些许黄油或一块蜡纸,确保将黄油放入底部和侧面之间的接缝中。用磨碎的帕马诺 - 雷吉亚诺(Parmigiano-Reggiano)将盘子的侧面和底部涂上,以这种方式将盘子旋转,并确保所有奶酪都很好。
  • 将蛋黄搅拌在一个小碗中,直到奶油和淡淡。
  • 用中火融化黄油。在面粉中搅拌。煮30秒,不断搅拌。
  • Whisk in the milk in a slow, steady stream; then whisk in the wine, not as slowly, but certainly not all at once, in a heavier but controlled stream. Continue cooking, whisking almost the whole time, until thick and very creamy, about 2 minutes.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and whisk in the cooked quinoa, beaten egg yolks, pumpkin puree, nutmeg, sage, salt, and pepper.
  • Use an electric mixer at high speed to beat the egg whites in a large bowl until they form droopy peaks when the turned-off beaters are dipped back in the mix. Use a flat, rubber spatula to fold half these beaten egg whites into the pumpkin mixture until no trace of white remains. Then fold in the remaining half very gently, stirring in wide arcs, until incorporated and even throughout but not dissolved. Scrape, pour, and spread this mixture into the prepared soufflé dish.
  • 烘烤直到膨化并凝固,大约40分钟。将其直接放在桌子上,然后在开始放气之前将其加热。

    weinstein scarbrough grain mains cookbook

Make Ahead Tips

节省time: Use 1-3/4 cups cooked quinoa and omit soaking and cooking the raw grains.


To get eggs to room temperature, leave them out on the counter for 15 to 20 minutes or submerge them in their shells in a bowl of warm tap water for 4 to 5 minutes.There are a few secrets to a perfect soufflé: You need to make sure your oven is properly preheated, the eggs must be at room temperature, you must not skimp in beating the ingredients (you want as much air in the mix as possible before the soufflé starts to puff in the oven), and you must not open the oven door as the soufflé bakes.


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  • CookingInAjax|2015年4月9日


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