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Team a flaky but manageable dough with flavorful fillings for anxiety-free holiday pies

Fine Cooking Issue 29
照片:马克·费里(Mark Ferri)
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我全年教烘焙课程 - 跑步的tort,棘手的蛋,涉及蛋糕,精致的蛋ust。但是我一直注意到,当要制作简单的馅饼时,学生会得到最大的恐惧。只需提及大多数厨师的馅饼外壳,他们畏缩了 - 我称其为馅饼焦虑。面团会不开裂而滚出吗?外壳会烘烤嫩或片状吗?馅料会浓密吗?我会得到一个看起来很棒,美味的馅饼吗?


Mix an easy-handling crust that comes out both tender and flaky

The dough I’m using here is soft and easy to roll out, but it still turns out tender and flaky. I’ve added a bit more water than most pie doughs call for, and I’ve used about half the weight of the flour in total fat. You could go to a higher fat-to-flour ratio, but too much fat can make the dough fragile and difficult to manipulate.


  • Cold fat creates steam, thus flaky layers. According to food scientist Shirley Corriher, cold fat melts slowly in the hot oven, giving the dough a chance set on either side of it. When the fat does start to heat up and melt, the resulting steam puffs layers apart, creating flakiness. Shortening, with its higher melting point, helps the fat stay firmer longer.
  • Cold liquid stimulates less gluten formation. Strong gluten is good for bread, but it makes pie crusts tough.


Use a food processor for quick, hands-free mixing.目的是快速将成分结合并用短暂的脉冲切成脂肪,直到混合物易碎为止betway电子竞技俱乐部。这样,您就不会过度劳累,用手加热面团,或者加入更多的水 - 所有这些都会使馅饼皮坚硬和耐嚼。

Parchment is key to fearless rolling


从中心滚出,每次卷后顺时针旋转纸张。If the paper buckles or curls, lift it and dust with flour. For a crust that’s even all over, ease up slightly on the pin as you near the edge to prevent a flattened edge. And if the dough gets too warm, just slide the dough and paper onto a baking sheet and into the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

You needn’t roll a perfect round.A circle is an unnecessary goal, because you’ll trim the dough when it’s in the pie pan. Just make sure your rolled-out shape is about a 14-inch-diameter round and about 1/8 inch thick for a 9-inch pie pan.

Lift the paper every few passes of the rolling pin to check for sticking. Dust with a little flour if needed.

Now comes a real pie anxiety moment—getting the crust into the pan.因此,现在您已经有了这么薄,精美的馅饼外壳:如果它在前往馅饼锅的路上撕裂或折痕怎么办?松散地将面团在销钉周围滚动,然后在锅上慢慢伸出它,消除了杂技的感觉。这比赤手透牌要聪明得多。此馅饼外壳配方使您可以轻松转移。

As you ease the dough into the pie pan, press it gently against the bottom and sides. Avoid stretching or pulling the dough—this is often why pie crusts shrink back during baking. Pie weights, which keep the crust from puffing as it bakes, are essential. No reason to buy fancy ones—tin foil filled with dried beans or raw rice works just fine.

下面开始的食谱可提供大量的面团,并填充9英寸的Pyrex Pie Pan,这是我使用的唯一一种。我喜欢看到底部的外壳在玻璃杯中呈褐色。而且由于我总是使用相同的尺寸,所以我确切地知道我需要多少面团和馅料(填充太多(或不够)真的很烦人)。

Roll the dough around the pin to transfer it easily to the pie pan.

The梨雷丝派is topped with a lattice crust—one more source of pie anxiety. But assembling the lattice in advance on a sheet of parchment makes the process much easier. Start out by rolling one of the disks of dough in the经典的馅饼外壳recipe into a rectangle slightly larger than 14×9 inches. Remove the top sheet of parchment. Trim the dough to an exact 14×9-inch rectangle. Cut 12 strips that are 14 inches long and 3/4 inch wide, and proceed as in the photos below.





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