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Equipment Review: High-Tech Rice Cookers

我们测试了五个顶级模糊逻辑煮熟的米饭 - 看看我们最喜欢的型号

Fine Cooking Issue 83
Photos: Scott Phillips
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And what is a fuzzy-logic rice cooker? Basically, it’s an intelligent version of a no-frills rice cooker. Instead of just an on/off button, a fuzzy-logic rice cooker has a micro-computer that lets the machine regulate time and temperature according to the type of rice being cooked (brown rice, for example, cooks at a lower temperature than white rice). It can cook more kinds of rice than you’ve ever heard of—including sweet and germinated brown—and some models can even cook oatmeal or polenta, steam vegetables, and make stew. But what really sold us on the cookers was how well they handle the white and brown rice we use every day.

Such sophistication comes at a price, though. Even our Best Buy costs more than $100. And these cookers will also cost you time: Expect to wait 45 to 50 minutes for white rice to cook, more for brown.


All but one of the cookers we tried made excellent white rice. But in tasks beyond cooking white rice, the models showed their true colors. Our favorites (shown here) had special settings and guidelines for cooking finicky brown rice and did a better job than cookers without those special settings.

Best all-around

Zojirushi Neuro Fuzzy
$179.99 ateverythingkitchens.com

This 5-1/2-cup cooker is as versatile as it is precise. A chime or tune (your choice) tells you when the cooking cycle is complete, which is especially handy with brown rice because it degrades in flavor and texture if held in the keep-warm setting. It also has a memory setting, which lets the cooker remember how you like a certain type of rice.

设置和功能:quick cook, mixed, porridge, keep warm, extended keep warm, reheat, timer-controlled cooking; removable inner lid for easy cleaning.


Sanyo Micro-Computerized
$ 114.95 ATCooking.com


设置和功能:quick cook, mixed, porridge, keep warm; settings to cook stew and dol sot bi bim bab (a classic Korean rice dish in which the bottom layer of rice gets toasted and crisp); steamer insert and removable inner lid for easy cleaning.


$ 119.99 ATCostco.com
(5% more for nonmembers)

This 5-1/2-cup cooker lets you customize white rice’s consistency, gives you the option to “scorch” it, meaning it can toast the bottom layer in the pot for a subtle nutty flavor and lightly crisped texture, and beeps when the cooking cycle is complete. Brown rice cooked unevenly in our tests: fluffy toward the top of the pot, pasty towards the bottom. Also, it’s inconvenient that the inner lid isn’t removable for in-sink cleaning.



Fuzzy-logic rice cookers have lots of menu settings and features. Here are definitions of some that you’ll see.

Quick cook:cooks white rice 10 to 15 minutes quicker than the normal cycle but with some sacrifice in quality.

混合:for instances when you’re cooking rice with ingredients other than just water, such as spices or broth.

稀饭:developed for rice porridge, an Asian staple, but also works for oatmeal, polenta, rice pudding, and the like.

Keep warm:烹饪周期后最多12小时,用于保持米饭的温暖;大多数制造商建议仅将其与白米饭一起使用。


Timer controlled:lets you program the cooker in advance to cook rice at a set time.

There’s no need to memorize water-to-rice ratios with these cookers. Lines etched on the inside of the cookpot tell you exactly how much water to add for the rice you’re cooking.



In each test, we evaluated the entire pot of rice for evenness in consistency and texture.

The other rice cookers in our tests were the Aroma Sensor-Logic rice cooker, model ARC-896, and the Elite Pro Fuzzy Logic rice cooker, model B601T.





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