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Dry-Rubbed Roast Turkey with Pan Gravy




  • 1/2杯切碎的新鲜鼠尾草
  • 2汤匙。细磨碎的橙皮
  • 1oz. kosher salt (1/4 cup Diamond Crystal or 2 Tbs. Morton); more as needed
  • 现磨黑胡椒
  • One 12-lb. all-natural turkey
  • 2个大胡萝卜,切成1到2英寸的大块
  • 2 medium celery stalks, cut into 1- to 2-inch chunks
  • 1个中等黄色的洋葱,切成1到2英寸的块
  • 1Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil; more as needed
  • 1/2杯干白葡萄酒或苦艾酒
  • 1-1/2杯低盐鸡肉汤
  • 1-1/8 oz. (1/4 cup) all-purpose flour


  • 卡路里(千卡):570
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):240
  • 脂肪(G):27
  • Saturated Fat (g): 8
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):7
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 9
  • 胆固醇(MG):210
  • 钠(MG):1130
  • Carbohydrates (g): 3
  • 纤维(g):0
  • 蛋白质(G):73



  • In a medium bowl, mix the sage, zest, 1 oz. salt, and 1 Tbs. pepper.
  • 从火鸡上取下尾巴,脖子,心脏和the子,并保留制作土耳其汤。丢弃肝脏。卸下并丢弃塑料计时器以及任何金属或塑料腿架。冲洗并拍打火鸡。
  • 在整个乳房,腿部和大腿以及腔内和翅膀上摩擦土耳其皮肤下的香料混合物。放在足够大的盘子或盘子上,可以握住火鸡并在一夜之间冷藏。


  • 将架子放在烤箱的底部,然后将烤箱加热到400°F。在一个大碗中,用油扔胡萝卜,芹菜和洋葱。将一半的蔬菜放在一个大型防火锅中的中心,然后将其余的蔬菜放在土耳其腔中。将翅膀塞在土耳其的脖子后面,并用麻线将腿绑在一起。在蔬菜上放置烤盘中的V型。将火鸡的胸部放在V型架上。烤1小时。
  • Remove the pan from the oven and baste the turkey back and sides with some of the pan drippings. With silicone oven mitts or two wads of paper towels, carefully turn the turkey breast side up and baste with more pan drippings. Continue to roast the turkey until an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thickest part of the thigh registers 175°F, an additional 1 to 1-1/2 hours. During this phase, check the vegetables in the pan every 20 minutes or so: They should be brown, but if they or the drippings threaten to burn, add about 1/4 cup water—you may need to do this several times.
  • 完成火鸡后,用硅胶烤箱手套或纸巾块保护您的手,然后将火鸡倾斜,以便腔中的果汁进入烤盘中。将火鸡转移到雕刻板上,让它休息30至40分钟。准备上菜时雕刻。

Make the gravy

  • 当火鸡休息时,将烤盘放在中火上。加入葡萄酒和厨师,使用木勺或防守铲松开棕色碎片,直到减少一半,2至3分钟。将烤盘的内容物过滤到一个碗中,压在固体上以释放味道味道。丢弃固体。
  • 在1夸脱的液态杯中,将肉汤与1-1/2杯水混合。随便品尝,在汤中添加足够的锅滴,使汤制成美味又不咸的液体 - 您可能会或可能不会使用所有滴头。静置,直到脂肪升至表面。脱身,保留尽可能多的脂肪。
  • 测量4汤匙。用中火将脂肪的脂肪倒入中锅中(必要时用橄榄油补充)。在面粉中搅拌。煮,几乎不断搅拌2至3分钟。搅拌约1/2杯肉汤。肉汤变稠后,再搅拌1/2杯。重复直到混合物保​​持相对光滑,此时您可以在剩余的肉汤中搅拌。煮熟并煮熟,经常搅拌5至10分钟以发展味道。肉汁将位于稀薄的一面;如果您希望它更厚,请继续煮沸,直到您的喜好变稠为止,但期望味道也会集中。 Season to taste with salt and pepper. Pour into a gravy boat and serve with the carved turkey.

普罗旺斯烤火鸡与红酒肉汁:For the dry rub, use 3 Tbs. herbes de Provence, 2 Tbs. finely grated orange zest, 4 tsp. fennel seeds (crushed), 1 oz. kosher salt, and 4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper. Substitute 1/3 cup dry red wine for the white wine or vermouth.


Use an all-natural turkey. Avoid kosher birds (they’re already brined and will be too salty) and “self-basting” birds (which are treated with fat solutions). Consider ordering your bird in advance.Let your turkey rest for 30 to 40 minutes before carving—the juices will redistribute into the meat, making it moist and tender. It also gives you time to finish preparing the meal.For lump-free gravy, gradually whisk the broth into the roux. The liquid will thicken quickly and get gluey, so keep whisking in more broth, a bit at a time, until the gravy is smooth.




  • mmmkeller|12/02/2019

    Fixed this turkey for Thanksgiving 2019 for 13 people and everyone loved it! It came out super moist and good flavor! The gravy was amazing but I had forgotten to use the fat from the cooked bird to make the roux and just started with butter and flour. The pan dripping made it super yummy!!

  • 用户-3053991|12/20/2014

    在过去的几年中,我们已经制作了这只火鸡,每次都遇到了Rave Review!可口的!


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