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Fine Cooking Issue 77
Photos: Scott Phillips
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We’ve published hundreds of clever readers’ tips over the years, and every so often, we encounter one that makes us wonder, why does it work? We figured there must be a scientific explanation; after all, science lurks beneath everything we cooks do in the kitchen. So we rounded up some tips we’d been wondering about and turned them over to chemist and food science writer Robert L. Wolke, author of the two-book seriesWhat Einstein Told His Cook,用于解释。这就是他对技巧背后的科学的看法。

A better way to store herbs

Why it works




Why it works

Ask almost any cook and you’ll hear his or her pet strategy for preventing tears when cutting onions. “Cut them under water,” some will say, leaving open the question of whether the onions or the cook, or both, are to be submerged. Others may say, “Cut off the root end last,” as if the onion will know the difference and behave accordingly. And then there’s the last-line-of-defense school: Let the irritating gas spread at will, but protect the eyes and nose with a skin-diving mask—a technique I have used with success. (A Speedo bathing suit is not required.)


The tear-producing gas is a chemical called (among other names) thiopropanal sulfoxide. It doesn’t exist in whole, intact onions. Instead, it forms at the time of cutting, when an enzyme (alliinase) and certain other chemicals (sulfoxides) escape from the broken cells and react with one another in the air to form the thiopropanal sulfoxide vapor. When this vapor reaches the eyes, it dissolves in our alwayspresent film of tears. This irritation stimulates the tear glands to try to wash the offending substance away.



Make your own buttermilk

Why it works


You can easily substitute soured milk for buttermilk in a recipe where the buttermilk’s primary function is a chemical one: for example, in a cake batter where the buttermilk is the acid that reacts with the baking soda and creates the carbon dioxide gas that helps the cake rise. But in recipes for buttermilk biscuits or pancakes or salad dressing—that is, any recipe where buttermilk’s unique lactic-acid flavor and consistency is key—only the real thing will do.


Why it works


A more permanent fix is to restore the brown sugar’s lost moisture by sealing it in an airtight container along with a wedge of apple or a piece of dampened paper towel (keep a sheet of plastic wrap or aluminum foil between the towel or apple and the sugar). The molasses will soften over a period of several days as moisture from the fruit or damp paper raises the humidity in the container


Why it works

This is a great tip, and people are often astounded at how well it works. But heating the pan with hot water isn’t even necessary. You can thaw frozen food quickly simply by placing it on a heavy metal surface at room temperature. This works because metals very efficiently conduct heat from the surrounding air into the food. The heavier the pan, the more heat it can conduct, and the faster the food will defrost.

Copper and aluminum are the best heat conductors, but if a solid copper or heavy aluminum pan isn’t handy, a heavy stainless-steel pan with a thick copper or aluminum core will work very well. A cast-iron pan would be the next best option. A solid stainless-steel pan isn’t a great choice because stainless steel doesn’t conduct heat as well as the other metals. And a nonstick pan is even worse because its Teflon lining is a heat insulator—but there’s nothing to prevent you from using it upside down.





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