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照片:Scott Phillips
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Everyone knows how to make a green salad—just wash, dress, and toss. But few know how to make a really great green salad, like those served in the best restaurants, where tender, fresh greens are handled with care from garden to plate and tossed ever so gently with just the right amount of oil and vinegar. Wonderful salads aren’t hard to make; they just require care.

访问我们的专门部分all things freshfor more salad recipes and a video demonstrating the best way to wash greens. You can also use our app to创建自己的沙拉食谱(并分享!)。如果您正在寻找适合度假餐的沙拉,请查看初学者部分在我们的Guide to Thanksgiving Dinner。And, if you missed Laurie Buckle’s demo on how easy it is to make your own vinaigrette,立即观看



In summer, I make salads from equal parts of vibrant basil and slightly peppery arugula. In winter, radicchio, endive, and escarole make one of my favorite after-dinner salads; these bitter greens have a marvelous way of making me feel less full after a heavy meal.

Whatever you choose, start with the freshest greens you can find, those that appear just-picked. Look at them closely, feel them, smell them; if no one’s looking, take a small bite. If your heart was set on radicchio but it looks wilted or smells past its prime, pick another slightly bitter green, such as endive or escarole, instead.

Cut the leaves, but keep their shape


Greens with small leaves, such as arugula, basil, purslane, watercress, and young spinach, should be stemmed but the leaves left whole. Larger leaves, from greens such as romaine, large red oak leaf, and escarole, should be trimmed as shown in the photos. Cut away thick, woody stems. Use a sharp knife to slice off stems like those found on arugula and watercress.

To determine the amount of greens needed, figure on about a handful of salad per person; double the amount if the salad is a main course.

完全配平艰难的肋骨。折叶愣了thwise and gently pull up on the stalk, ripping the rib out as you go.


Many greens grow in sandy soil. If you don’t wash them well, you’ll end up with grit in your salad. But simply rinsing your greens under running water won’t get rid of all of the dirt. Instead, submerge them in a large bowl or in a sink full of cool water.


Clean your greens with a brief soak. Gently swirl the leaves in cool water to dislodge any grit, and then lift the greens out with loosely splayed fingers.

Dry greens completely

Any excess water on the leaves will dilute the flavor of your dressing, which also won’t cling well to wet greens. A salad spinner does a good job of drying greens. Don’t cram in the greens: instead, dry them in batches. Don’t spin too hard or the leaves will be crushed in the spinner. If you don’t have a spinner, spread out the leaves on a clean dishtowel and roll them up gently, or pat them gently with another towel.

Get greens good and dry with a salad spinner. After a couple of spins, drain the bowl, rearrange the leaves, and spin again. Repeat until there’s no more water in the bowl.


I like a simple vinaigrette for my greens. Traditional vinaigrettes consist of three parts oil to one part vinegar or lemon juice. But that ratio will vary depending on the oils and vinegars you use and on your own taste. I almost always increase the amount of oil, for example, if I’m using a strong-flavored vinegar.

For the best flavor, use the highest-quality oils and vinegars you can find. Experiment with different varieties of each. Stronger-flavored oils and vinegars, such as nut oils and balsamic vinegar, are best reserved for heartier greens, such as watercress, arugula, and the chicory family.








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