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Almond Macarons

Colin Clark

屈服:Yields about 30 sandwich cookies


Watch the video to see Joanne demonstratehow to make classic French macarons和their sweet fillings.


  • 7-3/8 oz. (1-3/4 cups plus 2 Tbs.) confectioners’ sugar
  • 4-3/8 oz. (1-1/4 cups plus 2 Tbs.) almond flour
  • 4 large egg whites, at room temperature
  • 1/4杯砂糖
  • 1 recipe filling: eitherLemon Curd,Buttercream, orChocolate Ganache


Make the batter

  • Line 3 completely flat baking sheets with parchment or nonstick baking liners and set aside.

    使用中筛网,将糖果的糖和杏仁面粉筛入一个大碗中,然后放在一旁。在装有搅拌附件(或使用大碗和手动搅拌机)的干净立式搅拌机中,以中等速度将蛋清鞭打,直到泡沫状,搅拌器的电线(S)离开一条小径,1至2分钟。加1汤匙。颗粒糖的糖,继续鞭打30至45秒。用剩余的颗粒糖重复3次。Once all of the sugar is mixed in, continue whipping the whites until they turn glossy and stiff (when you lift the beater(s) from the bowl, the whites should hold a straight peak that doesn’t curl at the tip), 4 to 8 minutes more.


Pipe the cookies

  • 使用装有1/2至3/4英寸圆形尖端(Ateco#806至#809)的管道袋,将面糊置于准备的圆形上,直径约为1英寸,1/4至1/2英寸厚,间隔约1-1/2英寸。当您管道时,将袋子垂直于烤盘上,然后在完成每个饼干以最大程度地减少山峰时轻弹袋子的尖端。将床单在柜台上说几次,以使土墩变平并弹出任何大气泡。让休息直到酥皮不再感到俗气,20至30分钟。同时,烤箱顶部和底部三分之二的位置架子将烤箱加热至325°F。

Bake the cookies

  • 将2个曲奇纸放入烤箱中,并立即将温度降低到300°F(让第三张纸在室温下)。烘烤,旋转床单并在8分钟后交换位置,直到蛋白酥皮变成淡金色,总计15至20分钟。在架子上的烤盘上完全冷却。同时,将烤箱温度恢复到325°F,然后如上所述烘烤第三张纸。



  • Using a piping bag with the same tip used to pipe the cookies, pipe 1 to 1-1/2 teaspoons of the filling onto half of the cookies—you want to use just enough filling that it spreads to the edge when topped but doesn’t squish out much when bitten. Top the filled halves with their partners. The cookies are best the day they’re made, but you can store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 day or in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.

Cinnamon Macarons:Add 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon to the confectioners’ sugar and almond flour while sifting; proceed as directed.

Black Pepper Macarons:Add 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper to the confectioners’ sugar and almond flour while sifting; proceed as directed. Sprinkle with a little black pepper as soon as you pipe them.

芝麻马卡龙:Using a spice grinder, grind 2 Tbs. sesame seeds to a fine powder. Add the powder to the confectioners’ sugar and almond flour while sifting; proceed as directed. Sprinkle the meringues with a few sesame seeds as soon as you pipe them.

Vanilla Macarons:Scrape and add the seeds from one-quarter of a vanilla bean to the egg whites after they’ve formed glossy, stiff peaks. Distribute the seeds evenly throughout the batter by pressing the clumps of seeds against the edge of the bowl with a spatula. Proceed as directed.

可可马卡龙:Reduce the amount of almond flour by 7/8 oz. (1/4 cup) and substitute 1/2 oz. (3 Tbs.) cocoa powder; proceed as directed.


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Reviews (7 reviews)

  • User avater

    Amazing recipe and also their texture.

  • mrommel|04/25/2011

    These were a big hit with family, friends, and my coworkers. They might not be "french" but they're delicious and pretty easy to make. I used a ziplock bag instead of a pastry bag because I couldn't find my 1/2 piping tip. The vanilla butter cream didn't turn out very well, so I just grabbed another basic recipe which worked wonderfully. Highly recommend.

  • eatdrinkmanwoman|04/22/2011

    What is it about those French macarons? Well, it's probably the ingredients. Having said that, my friend, Nancy and I made these and we enjoyed them too. Not as good as the ones in France but okay in my book. The first batch was interesting looking. The second batch was better looking. Takes practice. I like the chocolate much more than the lemon. But, hey, I'm a chocolatholic!!

  • lovetocook312|04/17/2011


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