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Everything You Need to Know About Decanting


Fine Cooking Issue 92
Photos: Scott Phillips
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I can’t think of a more misunderstood aspect of enjoying wine than decanting. Why anyone would bother pouring a bottle of wine into a glass carafe before drinking it leaves many scratching their heads. And while some wine drinkers may be able to tell you that decanting aerates the wine, they may not be able to tell you why this is a good idea. I suspect some people even use decanters simply because they provide a more elegant vessel for serving wine. But decanters are much more than pretty centerpieces for a dinner party. In many instances, decanting is the most practical and easy way to enhance the enjoyment of a bottle of wine—as long as you know how to do it properly.

That’s why I’ve put together this crash course on decanting, along with a few recommendations for buying the right decanter.

Why decanting is important

The question I get asked most often is: Why should I decant wine? There are at least three good reasons.

Decanting removes sediment from older red wines.几乎每种红酒都会开始形成沉积物 - 瓶子底部的细,粉质,颗粒状的颗粒 - 一旦达到七岁左右。当色素和单宁颗粒(均衍生自葡萄皮)与葡萄酒年龄分开时,会形成沉积物。最好在饮用前从葡萄酒中清除这种沉积物,这不仅是因为它的不愉快的坚韧性,而且还因为它可以使葡萄酒的味道苦涩而涩。倾倾是摆脱沉积物的最佳方法。

Decanting helps aerate younger red (and some white) wines.餐馆或葡萄酒商店中可用的许多红酒只有一到三年的历史,其强壮的单宁可以使它们味道刺激。倒入年轻的单宁赤霞珠或梅洛(Merlot)将氧气放入葡萄酒中,使其在软化单宁的同时更加微妙和复杂。

dec剂也可以提高任何葡萄酒的温度。If the bottle you’re planning to drink with dinner is too cold because it came right out of the refrigerator or a cold cellar or wine cabinet, simply rinse the outside (not the inside) of a decanter with warm water until it feels warm to the touch (15 to 20 seconds should do it) and then pour the wine into the decanter. The temperature of the wine will quickly rise by a few degrees, and it will be ready to drink.

Knowing when and how long to decant wines



Simple decanting instructions

For old red wines (seven years or more):
You’ll need a decanter, a lit candle, and a clean cotton cloth. The main goal is to remove the sediment before letting the wine aerate.

1.Stand the unopened bottle upright for at least 12 hours before decanting to allow the sediment to drop to the bottom.
2.Remove the cork as gently as possible so as not to disturb the sediment.
It’s important to decant the wine in one slow, continuous pour. If you stop pouring before you’re completely fi nished, you’ll mix the sediment into the wine and defeat the purpose of decanting.

For young wines:
You’ll need a decanter and a clean cotton cloth. The main purpose here is to aerate the wine.

1.Remove the cork and wipe the neck and lip of the bottle with the cloth.
2.Pour the bottle vigorously into the decanter, trying to avoid spilling.

Want to see decanting in action?

Check out我们的视频蒂姆·盖瑟(Tim Gaiser)演示了如何正确倒入一瓶葡萄酒。

Choosing a decanter

市场上有太多的粉碎机,从20美元到250美元及以上,很难知道要购买哪一个。与许多事情一样,花更多的钱不一定会给您带来更好的产品。良好的通用曲阀应轻松容纳标准750 mL的内容物。瓶子,应该是瓶子形的,或者具有不超过6英寸宽的喇叭形底座。这使decanter具有良好的平衡和空气与葡萄酒的接触率。

一个好的decanter也应该有足够的开口宽(至少2-1/2英寸),可以轻松地倒入葡萄酒,而不会大惊小怪或混乱。远离过分的幻想,而且经常定价过高 - 塔式底座的底座和狭窄的开口。它们看起来时尚,但从功能上讲,它们是一场灾难,因为在不散发各处的葡萄酒的情况下,几乎不可能清空它们。

四个最爱:Here are a few nice decanters (pictured above), all of which are practical and reasonably priced, they are from left to right:





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